View Full Version : Possibly benign brain tumor causes me grief

15-08-12, 20:05
I recently went to the ER after having chronic headaches to find out I had a brain mass. However, the neurosurgeon there said that the pain is more than likely not due to the mass. It's small, 6mm, and is in a place where it's not putting any pressure on the nerves or blocking any fluid to the brain. I went for a second opinion, he said the same thing. More than likely benign, not a problem, no surgery needed unless it were to grow out of control. Thing is, I am really counting on it not since surgery causes me a great distress...As you can imagine, the news has had me feeling seriously anxious. When I heard I had a brain mass, I broke out into tears and kept telling myself I was going to die. I haven't been able to sleep so much (more now since the second opinion but I still have attacks). Just this morning I woke up, turned the news on and heard a celebrity died of a heart attack. My anxiety attributed this to me somehow, I started feeling my left arm feel weak and my left hand had pins and needles. I became so obsessed with the possibilities that I drove myself into a fainting spell. Thankfully I felt it coming and laid back down on the couch so that my head hit my pillow, though I woke up with a stiff neck since I more than likely seized.

Point is, I'm so scared. I feel like I'm damaged goods, that I'm deteriorating and it's only making things worse. I still have the issue with my arms and legs going needly and am scared of what it might be. I need some advice.

Thank you in advanced.

Mr Brownstone
15-08-12, 20:43
The thing you should focus on is the fact that 2 doctors have said its nothing to worry about

15-08-12, 20:56
The thing you should focus on is the fact that 2 doctors have said its nothing to worry about

And going in for a third opinion, hopefully he says the same. I'm just scared with this pins and needle feeling, like it could be MS or something. Also, I passed out this morning, that's never fun.

16-08-12, 02:00
Hi did u have a mri or ct scan? Did the neuro give the mass a name? My husband is on his 3rd brain tumour, I could almost garantee that both neuro guys know what they are looking at. Feel free tno pm me anytime. Take care. Trish x

16-08-12, 04:09
Hi did u have a mri or ct scan? Did the neuro give the mass a name? My husband is on his 3rd brain tumour, I could almost garantee that both neuro guys know what they are looking at. Feel free tno pm me anytime. Take care. Trish x

Hey Trish, they found it originally in a CT scan, then confirmed it in an MRI. They said it's in a location that is out of harm's way. But still, the anxiety persists. Currently my left arm has pins and needles since this morning...

16-08-12, 04:36
Are the doctors going to keep an eye on it to see if it grows?
And if it does grow will it be easy to remove?

16-08-12, 04:45
Are the doctors going to keep an eye on it to see if it grows?
And if it does grow will it be easy to remove?

They'll keep an eye on it, and yes they will do the surgery if needed...but I dread that. The surgery involves going into my skull, this causes a ton of problems for my psyche.

16-08-12, 05:25
Well that's good they'll keep an eye on it, and they should be able to remove it in case it grows.

That singer Sheryl Crow, has a begin tumor too.

The surgery shouldn't hurt as the brain can't feel pain, but yes it is scary :(
It may never need to be removed, or if it does you'd be surprised how well you'd cope.

with every surgery there's always a long list of things that could go wrong but those are very rare.
I'm sure brain surgeons are very well trained and have lots of experience :)

I was scared silly going in for my wisdom teeth removal under ,general anesthesia, I tried to prepare myself for the worst possible out come, I don't think that was smart of me :) I did pretty good, I managed to go and get the surgery and I was really worried I would panic and run away!

In general the begin brain tumors tend to be slow growing. I would be curious to know if the tumor was removed if the headaches would indeed go away.

You are not going die, the tumor may not grow but if it does it is VERY treatable.

I am so sorry you are going this, it must be very scary for you :( Maybe rather lonely too.

Have you talked to anyone about this?
Do you have much support?

16-08-12, 06:03
Well that's good they'll keep an eye on it, and they should be able to remove it in case it grows.

That singer Sheryl Crow, has a begin tumor too.

The surgery shouldn't hurt as the brain can't feel pain, but yes it is scary :(
It may never need to be removed, or if it does you'd be surprised how well you'd cope.

with every surgery there's always a long list of things that could go wrong but those are very rare.
I'm sure brain surgeons are very well trained and have lots of experience :)

I was scared silly going in for my wisdom teeth removal under ,general anesthesia, I tried to prepare myself for the worst possible out come, I don't think that was smart of me :) I did pretty good, I managed to go and get the surgery and I was really worried I would panic and run away!

In general the begin brain tumors tend to be slow growing. I would be curious to know if the tumor was removed if the headaches would indeed go away.

You are not going die, the tumor may not grow but if it does it is VERY treatable.

I am so sorry you are going this, it must be very scary for you :( Maybe rather lonely too.

Have you talked to anyone about this?
Do you have much support?

Thank you for the heartfelt reply. It's true, the brain won't be hurting, but my skull will, as will my response to the drugs. I developed a phobia of being put to sleep by any other means but a naturally induced sleep thanks to my passing out (like I did this morning). I guess...it's just unavoidable. I'm scared now though since I'm feeling these pins and needles since this morning that don't seem to be going away. They alternate between the left and the right hands and feet. I hope this doesn't mean something with my spine now.

It feels oh so lonely, even with people to talk to. That's anxiety for you...Makes you feel like you're all alone even when you're not, especially with depression.

Again, thank you for your response, it's nice to see people like yourself making an effort.

16-08-12, 17:33
So sorry to read what you're going through but please be reassured that the pins and needles feeling is because you're understandably very anxious. Take care x

16-08-12, 20:35
So sorry to read what you're going through but please be reassured that the pins and needles feeling is because you're understandably very anxious. Take care x

I've been telling myself this too, and I want to believe it, but I always feel like I'm just sweeping it under the rug if I accept it. I feel like it's probably something way worse. That could be the anxiety but I was relatively calm and still persisted. I still kind of have it today.

03-02-14, 11:28
I wonder what happened to you Jai...
A short update would be welcome :)