View Full Version : lump in neck

15-08-12, 23:03
Hi everyone... Went to the Dr's a while ago as I have a lump on my neck. He sent me for an ultrasound and I was told its just a cyst. Anyway I've started getting a pain in that side of my neck and in my throat so It's set me off worrying. Could they have missed something or am I being ridiculous? God I hate this x

16-08-12, 11:48
Hi Abby,

I’m sorry to hear this is worrying you. Its good that you got the scan done and I’m pretty certain the results which pointed towards it being a cyst were correct so please try not to worry about that.

When you first went to the doctor I’m assuming there wasn’t any pain in your neck and throat so you wont have told the doctor about that at the time? I’d suggest to put your mind at rest making another trip to the doctor if the pain continues, but I’m certainly not suggesting you need to worry. I’m just suggesting you find out what’s causing the pain, as it could well be something completely unrelated to the lump such as a throat infection which can then be treated.

And you’re not being ridiculous, its totally normal to worry about something when you are unsure what is causing it. And hopefully a visit to the doctor will reassure you and clear up this worry.

16-08-12, 12:46
Cysts can get irritated from time to time. I have one on the back of my neck and it got irritated by a shoulder strap on a heavy bag I was carrying. It started to hurt. This was before HA so I did not go to the doc and applied hot compresses for a while and it got better.

16-08-12, 13:33
Thank you for your replies. I was suffering from bad neck and arm pain at the time so he did bloods and set me for the ultrasound. He said my bloods were fine apart from a folic acid deficiency and my thyroid medication needed increasing ( I have an underactive thyroid) and that the lump was nothing to worry about. He said the pain was probably tension and my arm is tebdonitis. The pain subsided in my neck after cpl weeks but now its back, just on that side. It's always something. I'm fine for a few days, get a symptom and then start panicking x