View Full Version : Worried about possible diabeties.

15-08-12, 23:49
Hello All,

This is my first post on here, i'm not sure if its reassurance im looking for or help on my worries of diabeties, before i start i will say yes i did visit 'Dr Google' and that led me to worry what my symptoms could be telling me.


I'm eighteen and i have insomnia, Which ruins my every day life. I don't do much during the day other than sleep off the hours i had been awake the night before, i'll wake up around 3-5pm and its a cycle from there. My diet isn't that great and im suprised im not over weight.. in fact i have a good BMI.

But within the last two weeks my sleep patterns have gotten worse, i smoke more often and i am more depressed and less motivated. I could go on about how much i am failing in life right now but i'll just get to the bottom of my problem.

I'm worried i have diabeties. The symptoms i have are exactly the same as those of type one diabeties or type two, i haven't seen much change in my weight yet but it is still early days.

The symptoms i have at the moment are, increased hunger and thirst. My mouth is always quite dry and im wanting to drink more. But the first thing i noticed was my urinating, it started with it becoming more frequent and i was needing to go to the loo 10-15 times a day. As before it was only 5-6 maybe less. So it was a massive change so sudden. I am so very worried and upset and confused could someone please help me.

I've got to wait until next thursday to see my GP about all of this and i am going to be worrying for that long. And i dont want my depression or mood to get any lower than it is already because it is affecting my life very badly.

Please help me, thank you.

15-08-12, 23:56

A lot of chemists can do diabetes tests now so you can find out right away - maybe look into that.

16-08-12, 09:44
It's really easy to test for diabetes. I have been worried about it (and I'm still I'm kind of worried) but there are a lot of things much worse than diabetes...it's not really something to be worried about. Even IF you have it, it's easy to manage...

I'm starting to realize than HA is much worse than diabetes...and possibly worse than a lot of other things :(

16-08-12, 10:19
If you do have diabetes, just get it checked and treated. It is not the end of the world, and you can manage it well. There is no point in worrying.

All the symtoms you describe are ones I have had...and CAN all come from anxiety. I did have insulin resistance (a precursor to diabetes) when I was younger, but I changed the way I eat for the better and it went away within 3 months. The body is so good at healing itself.

You admit thought that you donīt have the best diet, and I know itīs diffiult, but if you could try and eat three meals a day and exercise a little bit, the feelings you have might go away.

I followed this diet for three months and my symptoms went away:

9am: breakfast of wholegrain cereals / toast with ham or jam or an egg

11am: snack of yogurt or a few nuts with a piece of fruit

1pm: lunch of salad, wholegrain sandwich or baked potato with piece of fruit

4pm: snack of ryvita, cracker, or slice of toast with a yogurt or handful of nuts or seeds

8pm: dinner or fish, lean meat or lean protein with veggies of your choice and small amount (half cup) of carbs like pasta or basmati rice

10pm: low fat snack of jelly with glass of warm skimmed milk

A diet like this will regulate blood sugar and make you feel so much better. Your body needs looking after, and if you give it the basics like food, rest and exercise it will help you recover from any symptoms better
