View Full Version : Really worried about dry drowning :(

16-08-12, 00:01
So I went swimming today with a few of my friends and From what I can remember, I was underwater with my friend alot but we did hold our breaths... But when some water has gotten in it has really worried me...
I was last in the pool at about 3:30 and its now 11, I have a very chesty cough, sore chest now and when I cough enough I feel like I'm about to be sick... Oh, and I can taste the pool water a bit... I really scared I'm going to go to sleep and not wake up tonight and its killing me to be like this

Nighttime pacer
16-08-12, 01:47
Hi I can't relate to this exactly as it's never happened to me but I did once have a general anaesthetic and some saliva got in my lungs when they woke me up. I had a bit of a cough for a day and felt a bit tired (sure that was the anaesthetic) but was fine the next day.
If you're really worried you could call NHS direct they'd be able to advise you.
Sorry I can't be more help.
Hope you feel better soon.

16-08-12, 02:05
It's probably highly unlikely to be honest. I think you're just over thinking. Having a cough can caused by so many thousands of things that it's really not a great symptom to go on. Obviously I don't know as I'm not a doctor but here's some information, http://www.buzzle.com/articles/dry-drowning-treatment.html notice that straight away it says that dry drowning causes the loss of VERY FEW lives. There are one or two treatments you may be able to achieve at home if you're really worried. Make an appointment in the morning or call an NHS and tell them how you feel, they will probably say it isn't what you think it is.
Good luck, try to relax xxx :)