View Full Version : Anxiety problems

16-08-12, 00:30
Well where do I start? My name is Andy and I'm a serving soldier. For the past 8 years i have suffered what I have been told is an anxiety disorder. I have mood swings ranging from unbelievably happy to the lowest of the lows, nothing inbetween, I'm scared something is horrendously wrong with me, I feel like I don't want to go or do anything with my young family and I live with a constant fear of dread. I am on medication and have spoken to the mental health people but through deployment I have not been seen in over 18 months. So that's my hello, I'm not all doom and gloom though ha ha ha just need like minded people to help me through really. Cheers

16-08-12, 11:36
Hi Andy,

I’m sorry to hear you’ve been feeling like this and for so long. The main thing I want to say is that how you’re feeling isnt “weird” and there is nothing seriously wrong with you, so please don’t feel alone. As you’ll see from reading the posts on here there are so many people feeling the same way, and many more in the world who wont have got as far as visiting this forum.

The mental health people you have spoken to may have already said this, but its such a huge step to identify if there is a reason you feel like this or some trigger which may set it off on certain days/times. Realising this can make you feel more in control of the situation. Is there anything you can attribute the anxiety to, or anything that happened around when it began 8 years ago. I might be making a wrong assumption but does it relate to your job in any way?

Anyway I really hope you can find reassurance here : )