View Full Version : Has anyone helped their anxiety with CBT? (about to start it myself)

Nighttime pacer
16-08-12, 01:44
Hi all
I just wondered if anyone on here has helped their health anxiety by having CBT.
My health anxiety is usually about chemicals in my house or exposure to things in the past.
I'm about to start CBT next week and just wanted to give it a go before plunging into citalopram which my Doc has already prescribed. The trouble is I'm scared of taking the pills because of side effects and the fear that if I don't deal with the problem once I stop taking them it will come back.
My GP isn't particularly pro CBT but I'm hoping it might help.
I've also joined a gym as I've heard that exercise can help anxiety and depression.
Any thoughts or experiences anyone?
Keep up the fight people!
Nighttime pacer

16-08-12, 01:56
Oh yes bigtime - CBT can change your life - it did mine

Nighttime pacer
16-08-12, 01:57
Great that's what I was hoping to hear.
I'm prepared to work really really hard at it.
New life here I come!

16-08-12, 01:59
Good luck with it