View Full Version : My HA is back with a vengeance

Anxiety Jim
16-08-12, 02:09

I started to suffer from HA 4 years ago, for 2 years I was on citalopram, i'm not sure if it was the citalopram or if I just managed to start to control it myself. And for the next 2 years I was relativly calm, I had a few HA moments, but they didn't last too long, and I had no panic attacks. But since a few days ago I've started having numerous panic attacks a day, and I'm terrified all day that I'm about to die.

Just today I've thought I've got a blood clot, had a stroke, got asthma, got stomach cancer and had a heart attack. I've got no idea what's brought it back, and how to make it go away again.

Does anyone have any experience with 'relapses'? Or any advice?


16-08-12, 02:12
Try some probiotics http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/evolutionary-psychiatry/201206/do-probiotics-help-anxiety .

How has your diet been? If it's not great add in some multivitamins and omega 3.

16-08-12, 02:50
Have you had much alcohol lately? Alcohol tends to stop a lot of meds from working. Maybe you've been under more stress than usual so your anxious brain is at large or maybe you've become immune to your meds and need to up the intake.

The obvious answer is to speak to your doctor, if he/she helped before I'm sure they will help again and help to find the route to your problem.

Good luck :) x

16-08-12, 03:13
I feel for you, HA is so hard to deal with and its horribile when it creeps back into your life. If any of you want to chat im in the chat room now.

Anxiety Jim
16-08-12, 12:46
Have you had much alcohol lately? Alcohol tends to stop a lot of meds from working. Maybe you've been under more stress than usual so your anxious brain is at large or maybe you've become immune to your meds and need to up the intake.

The obvious answer is to speak to your doctor, if he/she helped before I'm sure they will help again and help to find the route to your problem.

Good luck :) x

I haven't been on citalopram for over a year now, I took my self off them in march 2011, I didn't feel they were helping, so I started taking one every other day for a few weeks, then stopped. I should probably have gone to my GP to ask about stopping but I didn't. Because I stopped myself, I'm a bit worried about bringing it up with my GP.

16-08-12, 15:57
Just be honest, people often self medicate and take themselves off and on medicines. Don't worry about a doctors reaction I'm sure they hear it all the time.

Anxiety Jim
16-08-12, 21:46
OK I think I'll go to my GP again. I don't think I'll be able to see my GP tomorrow, which brings up another thing that makes my HA worse. The weekend. When my HA was at its worst I always dreaded the weekends because I new I wouldn't be able to see a doctor for at least 2 days. It always terrified me, and I was sure I was going to not live until Monday.

Now I'm even worse, I've got real symptoms this time, a swollen leg, pain in my leg, my calf is feeling very hot.

I'm so scared I won't live until Monday. I think if I turn up at A+E again, they wont take me seriously and tell me I'm fine.

17-08-12, 10:04
Hi Jim

It's probably worth getting your leg checked out. Is there a walk-in or out of hours clinic in your town? You could always pop in there.

Anxiety Jim
17-08-12, 21:18
Hi Jim

It's probably worth getting your leg checked out. Is there a walk-in or out of hours clinic in your town? You could always pop in there.

You think I need to get my leg checked again even after my blood test came back negative? I was planning on seeing the doctor about it on Monday.

17-08-12, 21:41
Hi jim

I've just had a relapse after being ok for a couple of month, it's horrible isnt it! Hope u get sorted quickly!

Jayne x

Anxiety Jim
17-08-12, 21:53
Hi jim

I've just had a relapse after being ok for a couple of month, it's horrible isnt it! Hope u get sorted quickly!

Jayne x

Hi Jayne,

I hope you get yours under control too.

Do you know what brought yours back? I think mine must have been my leg symptoms, which because it was such a serious thing has got me well and truly into panic attacks daily! And I'm still worried about my leg so plan on seeing a GP again on Monday, hopefully s/he can help.

17-08-12, 22:29
Hi jim

Not sure really it's come out of the blue but it's usually worrying about a symptom and then it just escalates, last year I thought I had evey illness going but all turned out to be health anxiety, but at the time it feels very real and scary, I have started peeing a lot lol which I was worried about last year so that could be the reason because I'm scared it won't go again for months!

Speak soon

Jayne x

Anxiety Jim
17-08-12, 23:02
This may help you with that, but since I first got my leg symptoms I've been urinating a lot too! I've naturally put this down to diabetes, that's what rational people do right... but I know it's a symptom of health anxiety.

At the moment I'm really worried about the imminent life threatening thing I think I've got, and if it turns out I don't have it I'll gradually move down to the next most serious, so it'll probably be quite a while until I get to the urinating thing, ha ha.