View Full Version : Back to square 1...or something is really wrong :(

16-08-12, 09:56
I'm still kind of newbie here as I was diagnosed about 2 months ago (probably it started more than 1 year ago). Anyway I started Escitalopram 20mg and Xanax 1mg. After about 6 weeks I was feeling better and started to reduce Xanax to 0.75mg and about 10 days ago to 0.5mg. I thought that Escitalopram was working and was planning to reduce it further. However on this Monday out of the blue HA came back strongly along with neuro symptoms which I'm fearing the most (MS/ALS fear). Of course this started the HA cycle and last night could hardly sleep at all :(

Since starting the meds I have had a weak feeling in my left leg (sometimes arm also) but was getting better, although never disappeared. Now my right side was affected also...in the beginning the leg...but now it's more the right arm...so left leg and right arm. I don't think it's really weak...it just feels kind of disconnected or "light" and a little numb...don't know how best to describe it. But the fact that all my limps are kind of affected at a certain degree, send me down the ALS route...and somehow MS which I was fearing before doesn't sound that bad...kind of scary really.

Today increased the dose of Xanax again and hopefully will feel a bit better. I plan to start the vacations in 2 days....but HA is ruining them already :(

Now a few questions:
- Is it possible that Escitalopram wasn't working and it was Xanax helping me...so when I reduced it HA came back strongly?
- Or even when meds are working HA can come back out of nowhere?
- Should I try a different SSRI or should I wait a bit more?

Thanx a lot

16-08-12, 15:07
anyone please?

16-08-12, 15:37
Hi Matrix, I havnt got an answer to your questions but I have exactly the same symptoms as you. The weak feeling in arms and legs, feels like they are disconnected or not there, like they dont belong to you and you have to double think when moving them. Along with aload of other weird feelings going on in my head.

Hope someone has some answers for you, id be very interested to hear them.

16-08-12, 15:40
Thanx for answering...for how long do you have those symptoms? Do you have them all the time or do they come and go?

16-08-12, 15:50
Ive had them on and off for about a month now maybe longer, so yea they come and go. The symptoms were out of control a couple of weeks ago then they calmed down for a week or so untill last night when they came back, so i no what you mean it feels like your back to square 1. I also have this thing where my right eye pupil is larger than the left when im feeling bad but then it goes back to normal when I calm down.

Ive been on Citalopram for 11 days but I dont think its down to that because I had symptoms like this before I started taking it.

16-08-12, 15:52
Well I think the fact that in your case they come and go it's a good sign that it's anxiety. In my case the weakness to my left leg was there all the time although it changed in intensity. However the weakness in my right arm did appear only a few days ago...hopefully it will go away.

16-08-12, 15:58
Sorry I can't answer you but just wanted to let you know that I also suffer from the weak/heavy/numb feeling in legs and arms, sometimes feels like a burn too. Have felt lots of times like my legs will give way. So hard to describe. I also suffer pain with it. Hope somebody can answer you but hope this reassured you a little. Ps, I'm not on any medication x

16-08-12, 16:02
Thanx abby....what worries me the most is that the weak feeling in my left leg never goes away completely. Usually with anxiety it comes and goes...how is it in your case? for how long do you have it and is it continuous or comes and goes?


16-08-12, 16:09
They never feel completely normal even when I don't feel anxious but obviously feel a lot weaker when I am. Its so confusing, knowing what's anxiety and what's not so I understand your concerns x

17-08-12, 09:35
That's the worst thing...on one hand all my symptoms get better when I take Xanax...on the other hand they never disappear...so I'll get worried again and the symptoms get stronger....