View Full Version : Not feeling 100%!!

16-08-12, 10:10
Yesterday i posted about me being highly stressed the day before resulting in tension headache and lack of sleep on that night and night before etc
Today i manage to sleep but woke up at 4 and drifted of again within half an hour (seems to be regular occurance for me tho' i never sleep straight through lately!)
Anyway today i am feeling warm, feel like my nose is congested, frontal headache only a little bit not major .. neck tension and my ears feel congested .. is this normal or should i be worried my head also feels a little light :weep:

16-08-12, 10:31
Sounds like sinuses to me, I suferred with this for a long time one and off.

Emotional stress can give you chronic sinus problems, sinus infections or sinusitis because stress lowers our body’s immune response, or can make our immune system hyperactive (so that it over-reacts to environmental or internal stimulus). Consequently, we have a weakened defense against pathogens and infections.

I am a big fan of Dr Andrew Weil...he has a great website, and if you have a look on it he recommends anyone with sinus problems stops consuming dairy (even for a little while).

I don´t eat cow´s cheese, milk, cream, ice cream or yogurt because it gives me the symptoms you describe, but even stopping for a week might clean up your issues for you.

Some people also get this from hayfever.

If you´re not sleeping, your immune system will not be at it´s best. Sinuses can make you feel horrible. Big hugs to you, try and rest, eat well, take some gentle walks and stop dairy for a week.

I hope you feel better soon, but please don´t worry...you´re describing classis sinisitus.


16-08-12, 10:47
Thankyou so much for your reply and advice!! I will take that on board :-) thankyou

16-08-12, 11:19
You´re welcome, I hope you feel better soon. you can alleviate symtoms with a hot steamy shower or bath, steaming your sinuses over a bowl of hot water (don´t burn yourself!) or by putting a hot-ish flannel over your cheekbones. Eucalyptus helps too...or some Vicks. Massage the parts under your eyes...they probably feel tender. Fresh air helps. Sleep helps. Eat really well with lots of vitamins! Drink lots of fluids.

To save you doing doctor Google, here is a bit on Sinus pressure:

Sinus pressure can affect you on the forehead, behind and below the eyes, and of course between the eyes. Sinus pressure symptoms include:

Dental pain
Pounding pain around the head and face
Tightness around the eyes and head
Sinus pressure can not only occur because of a sinus infection, it can also be caused by a cold or flu, air trapped in the sinuses or common everyday allergens like mold, pollen and pet dander. Consult your doctor if the sinus pressure doesn’t cease.

Combined with tiredness, congested ears, headache and a runny nose it sounds almost certain you have either a mild infection in your sinuses, a bit of a cold, or a bit of an allergy. Either way I know it feels horrible and make you feel dazed and confused, but it is absolutely nothing to worry about!

Stress makes it MUCH worse, so be calm. Stay off the dairy for a few days, it makes mucus.

Feel better soon and let me know how you get on


16-08-12, 11:23
Thankyou very much for that!! :)