View Full Version : continuous cycle that I cannot break!

16-08-12, 13:10
Im really struggling AGAIN! as I do almost everyday!
How do you convince yourself you dont have something when you have every single symptom of it?
all stories I read on google about lyme disease I freak me out coz I have so many of the symptoms? is my brain making my body have these feelings? surely not! im so scared!
I just can't shake this feeling! the tests Ive had are not one hundred percent accurate as they only measure antibodies made in response to infection not the infection itself and apparantly there are tons of reasons why false negatives happen!
what if my results were false negatives :/
the fact I cant get a definate answer keeps me in the cycle! why would I have all symptoms of something if I dont have it!

16-08-12, 13:52
Its crazy what anxiety can do to you. What symptoms do u have hun? Xx

16-08-12, 14:03
It's so annoying! I've got pins and needles, pains everywhere and shooting pains, heart palpitations, my vision goes odd at times like flying things, twitching, internal shaking parasthesea- as in I feel prickling everywhere in random places that feel like pins sticking into me, feels like nerve pain in random parts of my body! I can't take it anymore ! I think I'm bringing on the symptoms myself but then again I don't know how that possible. My mum says coz I've read so mug about Lyme disease my brains conditioned my body into thinking I have it! my symptoms dOnt seem normal do they ???

16-08-12, 14:19
Anxiety can do all that to u hun. I get stmach cramps,trapped wind,bloated,chest pains,headaches,heart palpitations etc. Sometimes i get this chest pain that shoots down my legs, it really scares me. All my symptoms get worse the more i panic and the more i google. I know how hard it is when u get it in ur head uv a illness, you feel irrational but then uve got this feeling that wont leave u.it sucks but try to not google and read into everything. Hav u been to ur doctor for reasurance?

16-08-12, 14:23
the anxiety is bringing on the symptoms,the mind is a very powerful thing,i gave m,yself palps the othr day,id felt the anxiety building up all day then on they came,knew it was just me but telling mysrlf that was another thing.I have fear of taking tablets and i have to take steroids for 3 days every 3 weeks,im like a lunatic before i take the tabs waiting for a reaction,i even imagine im having reaction symptoms sometimes,its such a hard thing to stop thinking like it, best wishes to you xx

16-08-12, 14:42
Thanks for your support! I have been to the doctors and I have had two blood tests but the thing with Lyme disease is that they say the tests are un reliable and I can't stop seeing things about people who test negative but have it all along! I think I'm do obsessed with this because I know of I had it my baby would be in danger! I really don't know what to do! This all started with ringworm that was persistent ... I googled persistent circular rash and it bought up Lyme disease and literally ever since I have been In panic mode and very waking minute I'm thinking of it! My Symptoms seem to real to be anxiety! But my doc says the symptoma have come from me Obsessing and worrying about the disease! He said something about how patients often get 'medical student syndrome' when they learn of a dangerous disease! I don't really know what he means

16-08-12, 16:16
i really do feel for u, i feel exactly the same apart from i cant get it out of my mind that i havnt got cervical cancer!! the symptoms feel soo real!! big hugs!!! x

16-08-12, 16:47
its nice to know Im not alone :-)
its really hard and I cant seem to shake the thought of having it! x

16-08-12, 17:53
the medical student symptom may mean that all that we read and look up we might not interpret it as its meant to be as we are not medically trained,as i once found out when i was having my middle son,as i was being took for a scan i read my notes,read something about my blood test results,saw one of the tests was marked low and went into a panic,asked the midwife cos i was in a state abiout it all ansd she said thats normal result and as for you in a panic thats what you get when you read thuings that you dont understand ,so i stood corrected lol ,i still trawl the internet though lol xx