View Full Version : how wrong can my doctor be

16-08-12, 13:12
iv been going to my doctor for 3 weeks over strange feelings in my head and ears and feeling dizzy and drained. He said its health anxiety and there is nothing wrong with my i felt that bad some days i thought i was going to die i went to dentist other day they said you have a bad tooth it will have to come out so i rang back today and am having it out next tuesday so i went to doctors for pain killers today but i could see mine so i seen another i explained it all he checked my tooth and said you have a tooth infection and has got in to your sinus he did some checks and he aid its 100% that and gave me some antibiotics i have to take for 28 days. im so angry this could not of been sorted out weeks ago i feel so let down by my gp its unreal how bad could of things got before they would of belived my symptoms were real. luck was on my side today i think

16-08-12, 13:50
At least you know whats wrong martyn, try and stop worrying now, i bet alot of ur symptoms will go away once the antibiotics start working. Try and get a good sleep tonight aswell, when u get the tooth out hopefully this will be the end of this for u and ul feel better :)