View Full Version : Baby step

16-08-12, 14:25
I'm quite pleased with myself today.

I had to go over to the supermarket to buy an extra pint of milk, and whilst there I decided that contrary to what my gut instinct told me, I was going to go and have a hot drink in the cafe before I went home. I had a little dialogue in my head about whether it was a good idea, but put my foot down with myself (:roflmao:) and went for it. I bought a hot chocolate, and made myself sit there until I'd finished it. Drinking a hot drink often sets of my anxiety, so I chose that specifically. I was anxious, and found myself 'stirring' that up towards a panic, so I was able to practice the stuff I've been learning from CBT4Panic - relaxing my stomach, my shoulders, feeling my feet on the ground etc. - which made the anxiety turn into a good thing, by giving me the chance to practice.

I had a bit of a wobble when I finished the last mouthful of the drink (which always reminds me that I've put something in my stomach, so I usually leave a mouthful or so of everything I eat/drink), and when I left had the urge to run home as quickly as I could, but I went back to practicing, and decided that I was going to walk the long way home - through the park and the orchard - rather than going straight home. I kept up the practice and as it turned out I actually enjoyed the walk through the park - smelling the grass, seeing what fruit was in the orchard, laughing at the groundsman lobbing fallen apples into the undergrowth... lol - and soon forgot that I had even been feeling anxious :yesyes:

I know it's only a baby step, but it's given me the incentive to go for another walk somewhere tomorrow to back it up :)

16-08-12, 19:10
:) Well done!

16-08-12, 19:12
Well done Elle-Kay. That wasn't a baby step it was a huge one.
Keep on practising.
Take care.

16-08-12, 19:15
Hi Elle

Well done - you are doing great :)

and remember that 'baby steps' are exactly what you need to do to build your confidence. Keep going through the workbooks regularly.

16-08-12, 19:30
fab stuff :)

16-08-12, 20:21
Brilliant news. Keep up the good work :yahoo:

16-08-12, 20:24
phenomenal!! Acorns and huge trees come to mind haha. seriously, it IS all the little steps that help well done

16-08-12, 23:24
Oh well done! I'm so please for you! Keep it up! :) xxx

17-08-12, 00:08
What a wonderful post! Congratulations on your achievements Elle-Kay. You should be very proud of yourself :yahoo: xxx