View Full Version : Tiredness.

16-08-12, 16:38
I've suffered with anxiety and depression really my whole life, more so in the last 2 or 3 years over this time I've often had this feeling of being tired all the time but for the last week or so it's escalated, I'm severely agoraphobic so I don't get out much and I'm often very unmotivated by depression so I don't often exercise. I'm not on any medicines and really my routine is the same everyday, wake up-stay in bed all day reading/on the computer/writing-sometimes go and see my neighbour who lives next door.

Nothing has changed in the last couple of weeks that I can think of to make me feel so exhausted constantly so any ideas?
Like I said, I've felt tired all the time before in the past but never to this extent where I'm napping several times a day and feel like I'm going to fall asleep just sitting here typing this!
I can't go to a doctor because of my agoraphobia and I won't look this up on Google because I know it'll make my health anxiety go crazy when I see all the terminal illnesses which come up.

Anyone get this tiredness so such an extent because of depression?

17-08-12, 11:09
I get this all the time , especially is really bad bouts. I think it's just your body reacting to the internal struggle. Its exhausted fighting and just wants to sleep all the time.

I found the only way to stop it was to not give in. When i feel like that i go for a walk or do something indoors to distract myself. When your finished whatever it was you were doing u dnt feel so tired and it stops eventually.

Would it not be possible for you to get a phone appointment with ur dr? just to put your mind at rest ?

Munkey Xx

17-08-12, 11:13
I agree with Munkey - your body is doing an awful lot even doing "nothing", because it takes a lot of energy to worry and feel anxious. That said, it's also been proven that you feel more energetic if you exercise, so it follows that doing no exercise would make you feel sluggish. Could you order an exercise DVD or something to do in your home? Perhaps Yoga or something that is also relaxing.