View Full Version : Asbestos

16-08-12, 17:49
Hello I work In a factory that contains absebesos cement roof and side cladding today whilst working I saw some brown dirt drop from a hole in a wall next to me indoors worried it was asbestos cement and I breathed it in??? Asbestos is not good broken apart I was thinking is it broken up asbestos falling ?

---------- Post added at 17:49 ---------- Previous post was at 17:32 ----------

Don't know What to think want to google badly

16-08-12, 18:00
Hi, I have had a massive worry about this. If you look at my topic I was worried beyond believe. Googling is the worst thing as I have spoken to many doctors who have said you need to work with it with years to have a problem. And even then there is not a big chance.
And by the way, Cement roofing only has a small bit of asbestos in it and even thought it shouldnt happen, a lot of people still take the stuff away without protective gear as it is the least harmful. It is the white form and you have NO worry.
I know this through months of worry and talking to people plus talking to people in the trade.

16-08-12, 18:49
hiya thanks your post really hepled a lot feeling better now x