View Full Version : Aches pains and toilets

Anxious lu
17-08-12, 11:51
I am really hoping this is all linked to anxiety as I am extremely worried about health ATM. When I sleep I am fine no problems or worries but I odten wake up early in the morning. When I do my mind goes over time and I often get a rush for the toilet which end up very unhealthy. I have had this for about two weeks. Also when I first wake my body feels absolutely fine but after about an hour of being awake I get aches in my legs arms hands shoulders.. Often dull but last night it was more like sharp pains randomly all over.

This all began when I was extremely worried over my chest but has continued ever sinse. I'm incredibly worried I have some underlying disease or illness.

I have been in omerprazole for over a week and didn't take it yesterday to see of it was messing with my digestion but no change this morning.

17-08-12, 13:23
i get a lot of what your talking about lu,
when i first started having trouble many many moons ago,,id lay in bed in the mornings going over and over the symptoms of the day before and i was going to feel that day,,before i knew it my day was spent with one panic attack after another ,,a very wise woman called mrs weeks whose books i have said when you first wake get straight up washed and dressed do something to keep from laying down thinking too much,,so now when i wake i allow myself only a few minutes to wake up then im washed dressed and three dogs make sure im not sitting thinking ,,you could try reading or anything really the mind cant do two things at once

18-08-12, 13:07
I always have pain in my arms, back and legs, plus sometimes a burning feeling, as if my skin is hot. Been like this for months. Convince myself constantly that there is something wrong. I hate it. Drs have done blood tests and that's it. So sick of it x