View Full Version : can some one give me a little advice

17-08-12, 13:20
hi ive sufferd with health anxiety and gad for a few yrs now but the last few days its been really bad as istarted to get lightheaded a couple days ago and i went sreait up to see my gp becausel am scared of dizzyness in any form as a few yrs back i sufferd with a inner ear problem called BVVP which lasted over a year think thats how i got HA. my doc didnt examinme just felt the back of my neck and said that it was very knotted and that the lightheadedness is caused from the bvvp. but my problem is because i still geting lightheaded and she never examined me i cant stop worring about and have got myself so worked up and anxiouse over it ive tried callengeing my thoughts but i strugle with doing that i dont seem to know how to do it and i want to go back to see my gp to get reasurance yet again but i dont really want to as she will think im wasting her time can any one please give me some tips on how to stop woring over it and to stop wanting reasurance all the time and to over come it thk you

17-08-12, 15:22
Hi Tricia - are you constantly light headed or does it come and go? I only ask because I have similar problems. I woke up one morrning a few months ago with the worst dizziness and earache. I'm not one for making doctor appointments but I was so freaked out by how I was feeling I was straight on the phone. She checked my ears for infection, checked my face for sinus issues and carried out those little neuro tests they make you do - nothing! She said it was possible I had an inner ear issue which would cause the symptoms and it would clear up on its own. She also said I was holding alot of tension in my neck and shoulders.

Anyway, a few months on and the dizziness is more of a lightheadedness that comes and goes. It still freaks me out sometimes but I live with it. I do get tempted to go back to my doctor because I still get those moments when I think 'what if...'!

Did your doctor say the BVVP was back again? Anxiety also makes me feel dizzy so it's difficult to determine if it's anxiety or an ear issue again. I know it's easier said than done but the important thing is distraction. Do whatever you can to take your mind of it. I would also book a massage for your neck. Not only will it release any knots but it will completely relax you. Hope you feel better soon. xx