View Full Version : really worried i have cervical cancer!!!

17-08-12, 14:18
im really worried that i mite have cervical cancer!!!!
iv checked my cervix and it feels all bumpy!! iv been to the doctors about it and he didnt really say anything, he didnt even examine me!! he jus said that there was no alarm bells ringing and im not in lots of pain so he jus told me not to worry about it, but i cant stop worrying about it. my cervix is also very low down?? im not spotting between periods or after havin sex. the only syptoms im having is that iv got 1 really achey thigh and hip but i told him this and he just said that it could be just a deep muscle pain and that i need to stetch, does anybody elses cervix feel like this!!!
i think about this allday everyday!! from the moment i wake up to the moment i fall asleep.
i also have loose stooles most of the time but i think this mite be due to my anxiety and depression, or it could be another syptom!! im only 22 so they wont give me a smear test!!!
just need some one to talk to and tell me everythings gonna be alright :weep:

17-08-12, 14:27
I've never felt my cervix. I've no idea what it feels like.
But I know it can feel hard or soft depending on where you are on your cycle.

Go to a gynocoligist or go get a smear test?
You should at least have someone look at your cervix.

%#*> what the heck they refused you a smear test?
You should get a smear test at the age you start having sex.
That really doesn't sound right :(

17-08-12, 14:29
Please try not to worry (I know its easier said than done) but if the doctor had the the slightest inkling that you had something like that he wouldn't have sent you away without examining you. I understand how scared you are as I'm always convinced I have cancer somewhere. You have no symptoms which would suggest it so try to do something to keep your mind active so you are not sitting worrying yourself sick x

17-08-12, 14:37
It starts at 25 because cervical cancer is very rare before this age and changes in the cervix are quite common in younger women. So screening younger women can lead to unnecessary treatment and worry. I had an abnormal smear at age 21 and it worried me sick. Turned out to be nothing.

To put it in perspective, between 2007 and 2009, 70 odd people in the UK got cervical cancer diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 25, so it is extremely unlikely statistically that you have this. Most of those 70 would not have died. In perspective again, 450 die each year from falling out of bed alledgedly.

If the doc thought you showed any signs of cancer, they would check it as they have a checklist of warning signs, but I would see a second doctor for peace of mind to avoid continuing with this worry. You can get polyps and stuff on your cervix and all sorts of things can happen which arenīt cancer.

My friend had very aggressive cervical cancer at 26, and they took one look at her cervix with the naked eye and could see it was unhealthy. She had lots of bleeding and pain, if that is any comfort. That was a very aggressive form, but they treated her and she is fine 8 years later.

My advice is to double check, for your own peace of mind, and once you have two opinions - leave it at that unless further symptoms appear.

It doesnīt sound like your doctor is very reassuring and maybe seeing another one with a more synpathic demeanor might help. Explain it is making you nervous, and they will give you some more reasoning behind why they think it is nothing to worry about.

If you really want a smear test...you can pay for one privately. the Marie Stopes clinic offer the service for a set fee:

Hope you feel better...worry sucks!

17-08-12, 15:33
Hi there

Some people's cervix are bumpy I've got cervical erosion and a nabithion cyst do mine is bumpy both of these are nothing to worry about!
