View Full Version : Worried about chemicals in flooring

Nighttime pacer
17-08-12, 14:46
Hi all
I'm about to start CBT next week for my anxiety. I'm really worried at the moment about chemicals especially formaldehyde in the engineered wood flooring I've had fitted in my house. It's in every room except bathroom and kitchen and I've been told the glues used to make it contain formaldehyde.
My big concern is off gassing. Apparently it can emit chemicals into the air for years. I always make sure I open all the windows when I'm at home.
I'm so scared of the damage it could do to my health. I've paid thousands for the flooring and wish I'd never done it.
I'm soooo scared after reading formaldehyde in high doses can cause cancer!
Can anyone help?
Nighttime Pacer

17-08-12, 14:52
I really wouldn't worry, they wouldn't be able to sell it if its a danger to your health and just think about people who work with the stuff all day. I'm no expert on this kind of thing obviously but I'm quite sure your health won't be affected by your flooring x

Nighttime pacer
19-08-12, 13:19
The trouble is I keep looking on google with sites where people are saying avoid this sort of flooring and that sort of furniture and never buy a new bed and basically everything we buy seems loaded with chemicals. When I read that some of them in long exposure and high levels can cause cancer I totally freaked. I know think the flooring I paid thousands for will have to be taken up!