View Full Version : Not sure if anxiety causing symptoms or other way around

17-08-12, 14:49
I went to Cornwall for a couple of weeks for a break which was nice but on the last night I had fish and chips and ice cream - this didnt go well with my IBS and the next day I had extreme bloating, urge to go, sweating and very very soft stool.

Anyway, we came back on Tuesday. Last night I developed pains around 2 inches above the navel (think thats the colon still?). It was sort of a extreme hunger and bloated feeling, but came with sweating and panic and no appetite.

I took ranitidine, gaviscon, pepto, diazepam and everything i could think of - eventually it felt better when i took my nytol and i fell asleep. I woke up earlier and had a croissant, since then its almost felt like waves of panic, sweating and depression mixed into one - that area of the stomach is hard and i am bloated up again.

Im worried it could be a number of things, although I know I have a diagnosis of IBS and GORD.

Any help please

17-08-12, 16:22
I would say that is your ibs playing up. Im the same and get the same symptoms as you. I take buscopan when my pains are bad and it helps. Do you drink coffee or tea? Ive had to take decaffinated tea as it was giving me awful stomach cramps. My bloating is worse at night, i swear ud think i was pregnant it gets that bad. Then i would get bad trapped wind in the mornings, the pain can be crippling :(

18-08-12, 13:59
To be honest I'd say it's just a simple case of too much fat overloading your sensitive stomach. Fat is a definite trigger for IBS. Next time if you've had an attack I'd stick to pretty simple food for a bit. Croissants are also high in fat go for something like a plain bit of white toast or rice krispies to give your tummy something to work on that wont cause more discomfort