View Full Version : New to anxiety

17-08-12, 16:43
Very scared. Am new to this. Have been suffering for 2 months now, why started with a hospital health scare, which I am now over had led to this, been suffering with insomnia, diareah, trembling, dry mouth, racing heart and horrible nervous feelings shooting over me ever since. I stop worrying about one thing and then move onto the next. I was in such a good place in my life, on a perfect relationship with a brilliant boyfriend who I love soo much, just had a payrise at work in a job I love, my brother just returned home after vein away for a year... Life was good. But with this health scare I scared myself INSANE. My mum died when I was 10 and I hear this can make an impact. Doctor has put me on citropolrm started on 10mg for a month, and for last 2 days been on 20, I have had good days but some awful days and today been feeling very suicidal, and the thought of this terrifies me as I love my life and everyone in it but I just don't see a way out. I have constant anxiety, not panic attacks but constant fear and sick with nerves. I need to know it gets better, please someone tell me this won't be how the rest of my life is going to be please

17-08-12, 17:21
Keep on taking the medication, takes a while to kick, you will feel gradually better, a little bit everyday, just be patient, they do work.... See your GP if in 2 weeks if you think they are not working, he can increase or decrease the dose, is a matter of adjusting it to you personally.
Best of luck:::bighug1:

17-08-12, 17:33
My doctor tell me this is just a blip and I will be fine. Wish I hadn't ever looked up my symptoms on the net as I prob would have then believed. I feel as though my life is now over. I am only 24. I was the happiest little thing there was, keep feeling why me, why now, when I have so much to live for and look forward to. Keep being sick, I am tiny anyway, have always only weighed under 7 stone but have always had a healthy appetite, just little by nature but now I can't face food or keep it down I worry about making myself ill. Worry about loosing my boyfriend, although he being supportive how long can he cope with me like this. I am in a bad bad place.

17-08-12, 19:30
I m sory you feel like this, as chimpy said, meds need a little time to work, i was 6 months on cypralex, and they realy helped. Have you tried meditation. Exercise realy helps also. I love reading too. O and i love plants, as you can see, i try to keep myself busy. Dont give up, you are not alone in this. Good luck

17-08-12, 19:55
I am finding it very hard to relax, I am very restless. And like I said haven't been sleeping. Find it very hard to fall asleep and when I do I wake easily and wake very early, before 6 am every morning if I have even been asleep at all. Suprisingly don't feel as tired as I should, but I assume thats the adrenaline shooting through me. I have had really good days, last weekend I managed to fly to holland for the weekend and go to a dance music festival, I could talk about other things, ate a lot and had my sex drive back. But sleep was still an issue. When I do sleep I am having very vivid dreams. Made it to work Monday to weds this week, it was weds they upped my dose. Haven't made it out withy friends tonight and am now not going v festival liked planned tomorrow with my boyfriend. I know if I could stop worrying NOW nothing in my life would be ruined. But I feel out of control. Never felt this way, always been the life and soul of the party... Someone u could rely on for a smile xxx

17-08-12, 20:12
Hi Hope,

I can see you're going through an awful time and the first thing I want to say is that you're not on your own. You've joined an excellent site full of people who understand and have either been through similar themselves, or still are. I certainly understand - I've been there and back again.

What I'm pretty sure you're experiencing is the typical raised anxiety effects when starting an SSRI like Cit. It will pass and you'll start to feel much better but, if you're finding it unbearable, I would strongly recommend you go back to your GP and explain. He could prescribe some extra meds to help you through the next week or so. Beta blockers helped me enormously with this. It could also be that Cit's not for you but it really can take a good few weeks to know that for sure.

Make sure your family understands how you're feeling, especially if you get suicidal thoughts. Remember, it's the meds not you and it will pass. You will feel so much better soon.

Take care

Pip x