View Full Version : First time posting

17-08-12, 18:51
Hello there! I've been checking back with this forum on and off over the past few weeks for information and thought it was about time I finally registered and started posting. In short, I've been suffering from depression for a couple of years but only stopped being in denial about four months ago when I went to see my GP about it. I've had a bit of a rough time since then after trying first Amitriptyline (it made my mood even lower and caused me to sleep 12-15 hours a day, so not very fun) and then Sertraline (which was ten times worse, made me suicidal and gave me anxiety, something I'd never suffered from before). Things got bad enough for me to take an overdose in an attempt to escape from it all, which brought me to the attention of the Community Mental Health Team. I'm about to be discharged from them soon and this, like just about everything else these days, makes me worry myself sick. My experience with them (and with mental health care on the NHS in general) has not been great. Thank god organisations like the Samaritans exist, otherwise I might not be here today if it hadn't been for them. It's hard because I live alone and, after being on the Sertraline, makes the loneliness and isolation difficult to cope with sometimes, which I never really had a problem with before. After having such a bad experience with medication, I was reluctant to try it again and did my best to get by without it, but my mood has failed to improve and my anxiety only keeps getting worse so I have until next Tuesday to decide whether or not to try Vanlaxafine, my psychiatrist's latest suggestion. I'm absolutely terrified in case it makes me worse, but I'm starting to think I should go through with it because, despite recently starting to attend social sessions and an arts recovery programme, things just won't seem to get better on their own.

I was a carer for my grandfather until he passed away just over a year ago, which still gets me down quite regularly as we were extremely close, then I went back to college as a mature student and was supposed to start a university degree this September, something I've been wanting to do for years, but it looks as though I'll have to defer entry because I doubt I'd be able to cope with the pressure of deadlines, exams and such as I am at the moment. It's a disappointment, and I'm also concerned with how I'm going to support myself over the next few months. I've applied for ESA but have yet to have an assessment, something I'm fairly sure I'll fail because the government doesn't seem to want to let people on sickness benefits. I get very stressed out whenever I think about it, even though I've been told not to worry too much (easier said than done, ha ha), but I just can't help it. I only wish I had more support, but I suppose there's only so much the mental health team can do. They're only available 9 till 5, Monday to Friday, which kind of sucks because weekends are the worst for me. I almost can't believe there used to be a time when I looked forward to them. Now I dread them, especially Sundays. They're so quiet and empty when you have difficulty spending too much time alone.

TL;DR: I'm depressed, anxious and lonely, and I'm also a little bit nervous about posting here, but everyone seems lovely and helpful so I hope you don't mind having to wade through that big wall of text. I actually find it difficult to talk to people in real life, or at least with keeping a conversation going, but on the internet I'm all blahblahblah.

Apologies for rambling on so much and it's a pleasure to meet all of you! I hope you treat me kindly.

17-08-12, 18:54
hi and:welcome: to nmp ive found this website to be brill and a godsend if u wanna chat just inbox me and ill inbox u back

17-08-12, 18:59
hi and:welcome: to nmp ive found this website to be brill and a godsend if u wanna chat just inbox me and ill inbox u back

Wow, that was a quick reply! Thank you very much for the welcome and also for the offer to chat! I'm still getting to grips with the forum and how to use it properly, so I just might be sending something to your inbox very soon. Thank you once again!

17-08-12, 19:01
your welcome mirairo we r all in this together

17-08-12, 19:11
Hi miraiiro

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

17-08-12, 19:32
Hello & :welcome:

Sorry to hear you are having a tough time. This is a warm, friendly and supportive community and I hope it gives you some relief and the support you need.

Take care, Kitti :)

18-08-12, 00:58
hi :),
i am fairly new too, feels good to come here and be able to write how u feel though.
i hope u can find company on here xxx

19-08-12, 18:55
Hello & :welcome:

Sorry to hear you are having a tough time. This is a warm, friendly and supportive community and I hope it gives you some relief and the support you need.

Take care, Kitti :)

Hello Kitti,

Apologies for the delayed response, I've been having some godawful headaches lately and being in front of a computer only makes them worse. Thank you very much for welcoming me to the forum! Everyone here seems so kind and friendly. It's actually quite touching! Thank you once again for taking the time to read and coment on my post. :)

---------- Post added at 18:55 ---------- Previous post was at 18:54 ----------

hi :),
i am fairly new too, feels good to come here and be able to write how u feel though.
i hope u can find company on here xxx

Hi Molly,

Thank you very much for the welcome! It's so nice to meet a fellow newbie. I hope the forums are proving to be as helpful for you as they have been for me, and that things are going okay for you right now. :)

19-08-12, 19:57
Welcome to the forum, I joined yesterday and already feel better knowing theres others out there in the same.boat!

20-08-12, 18:46
Welcome to the forum, I joined yesterday and already feel better knowing theres others out there in the same.boat!

Hi Laura,

Thanks for the welcome! It really is reassuring to know that there are other people out there who have been through the same things we have. It's such a great help! :)

21-08-12, 10:43
:welcome: There is lots of support on here. This is a lovely community. You are more than welcome here :)

21-08-12, 18:35
:welcome: There is lots of support on here. This is a lovely community. You are more than welcome here :)

Thank you so much for the kind welcome! It really is wonderful that everyone here is so supportive. I'm even trying to do my little bit by helping others, even if it's just a quick comment to let them know there's someone out there who cares and understands. :)