View Full Version : why am i so scared

17-08-12, 19:30
hi all ive been told i have mid acid reflux and on zantac for it, (found out thru barium swallow) the thing is ive never suffered with this before and dont understand why im so scared of having it, ive been carefull with what i eat and yet i still have this throat prob with a feeling of air bubble or somthing similar every day on and off it seems to get worse as the day wears on, ive had it about 4 months now... i really want to know if acid reflux is danderous, like cause my throat to close up or anything similar :weep::weep::weep::weep:

17-08-12, 19:41
hi ive just been told i have gerd not had no tests for this though was given omprazole acid tabs. i am not sure if acid reflux is dangerous or not sorry

17-08-12, 19:49
i have acid reflux, i didnt have tests either. no its not dangerous, think you just need to control it. I have been put on omeprazole aswell and it really helps get rid of my symptoms xx

17-08-12, 20:11
thanks sheila i was on lansoprazole 30mg once a day for about 7 weeks but im still having symptoms mainly my throat it feels like tight sometimes like air or something is there, it gradually comes on as the day wears on and sometimes in the morning when ive woken up the other thing is i dont have any burning in my chest or any acid in my throat this is why im so confused thinking whether its the acid causing it or globus ive been on zantac twice a day now for 3 days and still no change

17-08-12, 20:45
Im near sure zantac is the same as omeprazole but maybe im wrong. What dose u on? I needed 40mg at the start to get rid of my symptoms. I have chest pains, burning, burping, heart palpitations etc. I was scared it was my heart until i got it under control with meds x

17-08-12, 20:57
zantac is h2 where as omeprazole is a ppi.... im not sure the difference between the two..... i dont get chest pains, burning, but do get palpitations from time to time and i just get a weird sensation low down in my throat where the hollow is like a slight tightening/feeling of air bubble or trapped wind

17-08-12, 21:16
Give the meds time to work and u get it under control. Its nothing to be afraid of though hun xx

17-08-12, 21:53
thanks, im scared sometimes because it feels like im going to choke or gag like im going to be sick, also i get alot of saliva in my mouth and when i belch it feels tight at the end of it..... if you see what i mean, very hard to explain

18-08-12, 06:11
susan im having the same problem my doctor has told me to make an appointment to go see him to be checked properly i have heart burn allmost everyday it annoys me