View Full Version : Positive outcome of GAD... Does anyone get over it?!

17-08-12, 21:04
Is it possible to get over generalised anxiety disorder?! Or will I be battling the rest of my life?! My doctor says its a blip an promises me I'll be fine, she thinks my health scare was the straw that's broke the camels back after loosing my mum as a child and always being so strong. Can this just be a blip?! I haven't slept properly/ barely at all in 2 months since this happened, is it possible I am just over tired and anxious as a result?! Xxx

18-08-12, 11:40
Hey hun, I can honestly say that it varies per person. It all depends on how you deal/cope with it and what treatment you have for it. If you leave anxiety un treated I can't see it fixing itself unless you are a strong person that can shake things off easily. I suggest getting some CBT which will teach you how to deal with it. I don't think there is a cure for it, it's more learning to deal with it. Kind of like an annoying mole on your skin. You can't get rid of it but you learn to accept it and work with it.

Yes this could just be a blip. Try changing your diet, keeping yourself busy and be active. If it is still causing problems then try the CBT.

Anxiety isn't something that HAS to control your life. It's more how you deal with it. If you LET it get to you then it WILL get to you. So try to get some sleep and try and get back to what you usually do =)

It might just be a blip but if it persists longer than a week then get some CBT =)

It's not something to be afraid of or ashamed of. It can be sorted =) always remember that

Best wishes x