View Full Version : Pulled head muscle or tension? Worried

18-08-12, 07:36
I Watson my laptop for a couple of hours last night and when I got up I noticed my head hurt on the right side up to crown and down the back, but all rithsid. I assumed it was muscular or tension from th way I'd been sat on my bed looking down with my chin on chest for too long.

I then started to feel very anxious, thinking as I've been On a low dose pill for a month for heavy periods that maybe it was a clot in my brain/stroke. Which of course made me tense up. The pain gradually got a lot worse.

I'm used to tension headaches as I often get them with holding my jaw tight, and since losing my nan last month I've been having them a lot but this felt different.

If I yawn, then as soon as I stop I get like a throbing pulsing pain on the crown of my head, just the right side. If I look up it hurts on right side of crown too. If I stand p after sitting it throbs in the same area. I can feel it constant like a pressure but pulses when I move or yawn.

My husband says its tension, but I can't believe it is and I've panicked all night. Usually a tension head will be gone by morning but this hasn't. I've had a very broken nights sleep. 1-2.30, then until about 4.15, I stayed awake until 5 then dozed until 6.45. Now I feel even worse.

I wish I could stop panicking its something serious:(((( Can anyone help?

18-08-12, 08:23
I really think it is a tension headache. I had one that lasted 2 weeks and it really scared me. Mine didnt go away until i acceptd it was a tension headache and started relaxing. The doctor said i was very tense and that a massage would help. I had an indian head massage and it really made a difference. Also because you havent had enough sleep now its going to be worse aswell.

18-08-12, 08:48
Thank you.

I'm in a right tizz thinking clot, stroke, migrane........ I've been in the pill for 4-5 weeks now, wouldn't a migraine have hit by now?

Today now I'm up and taken 1 painkiller the pain has eased but I'm left with a fist sized pressure on right side on crown and slinky down the back. Feels like a cold type pressure there:((((

I'm worried sick. Thank you for replying x