View Full Version : worried and feeling sick

18-08-12, 11:06
Iv been to the doctors and been told i have a sinus infection from a broken tooth. Last night i woke up with a full feeling in my ear and my left side of the head feeling weird i started flapping what if iv got a brain tumour iv been feeling like this for 3 weeks now and its starting to really get me down im scared to fall asleep incase i dont wake up. I also woke up with a dead hand but not sure if its the way i fell asleep or not but it soon got back to normal why is my life being taken over by these feelings.
i get light headedness, ear pain, mild pain over my eye brows and on top of my head, itchy eyes and sneeze alll the time and wake up with blocked nose. i also felt strange when i was in the shops yesterday really light headed then when i went outside after a bit i felt bit better what is happening to me

18-08-12, 13:15
All the things you describe will be caused by your sinuses and once the infection has cleared I'm sure you will feel much better. The worrying is probably making your symptoms feel even worse. I hope it clears soon x