View Full Version : What am I doing here?

18-08-12, 11:33
So this is my first post on NMP although I've visited the site many times before to read what people have to say about their experience of depression and anxiety in an attempt to understand what's going on inside my own head. Already, i'm extremely grateful that sites such as this exist- it's a great relief to know that there are other people out there going through a similar experience . But 'lurking' in the background can only help you so much and without participating fully in the discussions here, i think i'm missing out on some of the potential benefits. So, having reluctantly accepted that i could use some support and plucked up the courage to 'reach out', here i am.

So a little about me - I'm a 31yo guy, with a long and varied history of depression, although many of my closest friends would probably be surprised to know that as I’ve learnt to hide it well. I’m not currently on any medication but I’ve been on Venlafaxine on and off for years. I stopped takin it November 2011 to see if I could beat depression the natural way i.e. meditation, yoga etc, and although it may have helped, it’s not enough and I’m currently considering getting back on the pills (Citalopram this time).

I’ve got a lot I want to ask and share and I don’t really know where to start – one of the main problems I have with depressions is that it seems to affect my cognitive functioning (or maybe I was always stupid!) and I find it hard to think straight, let alone form coherent sentences. So if I ramble on a little, that’s why!

Good to meet you all


18-08-12, 11:41
hi and welcome to nmp i hope u find support here

18-08-12, 11:44
Hi Intrepid_Explorer

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-08-12, 12:32
Hello & :welcome:

You will get loads of help and support here, you have come to the right place. Lots of friendly and helpful members too. I hope it helps you.

Kitti :)