View Full Version : How do i get help tonight?!

18-08-12, 16:55
A couple of days ago i was illigally evicted while not at home at a caravan site owned by travellers. I lost everything i own bar some clothes and a couple of bags. Im breaking down,dont know who to call. Ive called the local mental health service to me,but answerphone. I need help TONIGHT,who do i ring? I need a social worker or something,on the edge of doing something stupid. Is there a mod i can talk to or something? Plenty of meds and no way out.

18-08-12, 17:05
Hi Johnny001

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-08-12, 17:10
Go to your local mental health hospital?
Have you reported this to the police.
Do you have friends or family you are staying with

18-08-12, 17:49
No i have no family,and my friend here just escaped from the same place back to his flat. I rang the local mental health department and left a msg,also emailed them,got no answer,i need help but cant find any. Dont want to go to the police yet,they are travellers,im very wary to get the police involved at this point,im more concerned about my mental health and safety,also of the person im staying with. He is witness to my things all being "cleared out". Is there any social services you could get to ring me if i supplied you with a number? Many thanks,John.

18-08-12, 18:39
maybe try the samaritans as they will have a list of numbers for help I am sure

18-08-12, 18:45
Does your local authority have a homeless place? You could go there and see what they say.

18-08-12, 18:46
Either the charity sane on 0845 767 8000 until 11pm tonight.

Or if its really dire go to the local accident and emergency dept of a hospital where they will assess you.

That is probably the only practical advice i can give tonight as out of hours mental health serivces are notoriously underprovided for sadly.

If it was housing you were after even the housing charity shelter's helpline,is only open 8am -5pm sat/sun,and 8am -8pm mon-fri.

Ring 0808 800 4444 num for shelter.


18-08-12, 19:35
why was you slung out did you get any warnings
god bless