View Full Version : Hi

18-08-12, 17:04
hi, came across this forum whilst looking for info on citalopram and its side effects.

I have had a rough year, in lots of ways. Me and my fiance split up, i had to move back to my parents, stuff like that, all built up so one night i self-harmed. First and last time, i swore id never do it again, it was horrendous and didnt help at all. At the point i was at though, i would have tried anything to stop the way i was feeling.
My ex found out, dragged me to the doctors the next day and they put me forward for counselling.
Waited for months before an appointment was finally made, and in a stupid moment of defiance i decided i was fine and didnt need help, so i turned down the appointment.

Only 2 weeks later, i could feel my stress levels and my rising and my mood getting lower, till i was in tears most of the time and really snappy and moody with my family.

I decided to go to the Docs again, and she has put me on the list for CBT, and has prescribed me citalopram (20mg). Today is my 2nd day of taking it.

Within hours of the 1st dose, i was feeling spaced out, nauseous, fidgety and i have barely slept. (took me three attempts to write the word slept then!)

Joined the forum so i can speak to people who maybe understand whats happening, i talk to my friends, but none of them have experienced depression, and as much as they try hard and i love them for it, they dont fully understand.

18-08-12, 17:14
Hi Laura1989

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-08-12, 17:15
hi and :welcome: to nmp

18-08-12, 17:45
hI LAURA 1989:welcome:to NMP hope you get lots of help sending you a hug Denisex:flowers:

18-08-12, 17:49
thanks for the welcomes, my worries about ADs have already been lessened, and in a strange way its nice to know im not the only one :-)

18-08-12, 17:52
Welcome to the forums Laura. I'm glad you made the decision to seek help - this is the first step on the road to recovery. You will find many supportive people on these forums.
As for citalopram, I started on it just over a week ago. For the first few days I had the same side effects as you - I hardly slept for the first couple of nights, and I almost totally lost my appetite for the first 3 days (I was still getting hunger pangs but I'd gag if I tried to eat more than a few mouthfuls of food). The good thing is that it does get better. Good luck and see you around the forums! :)

18-08-12, 17:58
Yea, it was weird today because I've been having hunger pangs, so I've made myself something simple to eat, and after a few bites i feel ill again and wish i hadn't eaten. determined I'm going to eat though, even if it is a couple of bites!
Good to hear it wont keep like this (fingers crossed!) I work in a school, so luckily im on summer holidays now, so hopefully, the side effects may have lessened before i get back to work. Although at the moment, if tomorrow was the first day back, i dont think i could face it :-s

anyhoo...dont have to worry about that just yet! thanks for the welcome Sparkle :-)

18-08-12, 18:57
I've been signed off work for the whole week, so I have enough time to get over the side-effects. I really don't think I could've made it into work on Monday especially (I was completely shattered from the lack of sleep and food), although I did start to feel a bit better from Tuesday onwards.