View Full Version : Hi new here

18-08-12, 20:03
Hi i'm Elise :)
I'm 17 and i had a few panic attacks whilst on holiday in Spain.
They were really scary, for a few days when i was back i would lay in bed all day and cry and was convinced i am dying. I gradually got better but the thoughts still stayed... The week after i thought i had a brain tumour, then my mum reassured me.. I had a panic attack one night and I could not breathe, i was crying and begging my mum to take me to A&E and she was very worried so did take me in the end. I had an esg ( sorry if thats wrong D: ) and was checked all over and everything was fine. I think i have accepted the anxiety but i get a lot of dizzy spells, and pain in my jaw today? which is new.. Lol, yes - i can get different feelings on different days. When the dizziness comes over me I am convinced i am going to drop dead - it happened about half an hour ago but i told myself i'd be fine. I keep telling my self that but i cannot deny that i am still scared.. SORRY THAT THIS IS SO LONG! i've dragged on a bit lol! But yeah hi :) does anybody feel the same way?

18-08-12, 20:12
Hi there,
Welcome to no more panic hope things start to feel better for you soon I too feel like this a lot it's all about finding that confidence in yourself to believe that it's not going to hurt you it's just anxiety things will get better x x x tc x x

18-08-12, 20:13
Hi Elise

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-08-12, 20:20
Thanks janielee for your reply :) i think i'm doing a lot better and yes i need to keep remembering that.. thanks again ! x x

18-08-12, 20:22
Your very welcome x x

18-08-12, 20:24
Hi Elise
Clearly you are not alone with this problem, loads of people have it :) Always remember a panic attack really can't hurt you and if things get worse or don't get better your Dr can prescribe medicines that will help. I would suggest you avoid medication if you can, your very young and hopefully this is just a part of you growing up and it will go away like it came.
All the best

18-08-12, 20:31
Thanks manxiety i'm feeling pretty good at this moment :) deffo an improvement from last week laying in bed crying lol. So when i think about how much i've improved that helps a lot. :D

18-08-12, 20:40
Good for you Elise. Positive attitude and your 50% there! :flowers:

19-08-12, 12:19
:welcome: there is lots of support available here.