View Full Version : Insomnia has come back to haunt me

24-07-06, 23:38
Hello friends,

When anxiety first came to visit, I suffered with terrible insomnia which was soon cured with the help of Diazepam, which I was eager to do without due to not wanting to get out of bed the next day. I only took this drug for a week and was soon back to sleeping pretty normally.

Since my anxiety started, I have never been able to sleep in on weekends like I used to, but I have been able to get between 6-8 hours sleep.

I feel I have made a 90% recovery from anxiety as I only get anxious maybe once a month, and havent had an attack in ages.

Over the last few weeks insomnia has slowly crept up on me again, and last night I had enough and had to take a diazepam to settle me down ( was feeling racy and anxious) so that i could sleep. Even then I didnt manage more than 4 hours solid sleep. I took today off and tried to catch up with some sleep.

Does anyone else who doesnt feel as though they get anxious anymore, suffer with their sleep? And if you have conquered this, can you give me some advice.

Thanks in advance.