View Full Version : holidays

magic girl
18-08-12, 22:07
iv been doing really well recently and feeling fine but yesterday evening i decided to take my son to the coast as my parents are staying in a caravan there.i drove there and found the place(using hubby's satnav)and i was fine to begin with but after a couple of houres the same dreaded feelings started and i felt terrible.i carried on as normal hoping it would go away but when i went to bed i could'nt get to sleep and lay awake all night feeling dreadful by the morning i was shattered but again tried to carry on so we all went to the beach and my son had a great time but it was so hot and im not very good in hot weather and buy the afternoon my mum had to support me as my legs felt so weak.this is the first time iv tried to go on holiday since my last holiday 3 years ago when the same thing happened and we had to leave and come home,im back home again now but i would really have loved to stay a few more days but i felt so terrible that i could'nt stay as my parents wanted us to stay a bit longer.im getting fed up of this happening as i always loved going on holiday and i was really looking foward to it but no panic and anxiety rear their ugly heads again and im sick of it and i feel im letting my son down:weep: