View Full Version : Why cant I allow myself to get better??

18-08-12, 22:38
I am my own worst enemy. Im sure you read in previous posts that I was worried I had breast cancer. I went through every test known to man and everything came back good. Now I started getting a bumpy rash on my lower back and two weard spots on my chest below my breasts. They are almost a circle flesh colored marks now Im worried its some kind of cancer rash. I just want to get on with my life and try and have another baby. I just dont know why I cant get it out of my head that something is wrong with my, that the doctors are missing something and it will be to late to fix it and I will die. And if I am not worried about myself its my kids or huband. I am on zoloft 50mg but its not really helping. I just want my life back.

18-08-12, 22:42
lisa i am the same as you. I am so sick of it. I have a doctors app for monday and im hoping to get referred for therapy. I have 2 young children and all i do is worry about them aswell. I also want to have another baby but i know theres no way i could cope with another pregnancy or another baby with the way i am now. I just want this to go away so i can enjoy life again. Its so debilitating!!

18-08-12, 22:50
I'm the same ! I'm currently pregnant and It has made my ha ten times worse! Everyday I think I have a disease which can pass to my baby! I have paid for listeria tests and Lyme disease tests all because I'm so anxious that I'm going to pass something to my baby! I really want to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy but like you I'm caught in this visious circle xx