View Full Version : Lumps in earlobe

18-08-12, 22:45
For a couple of months I've had a small hard lump inside my earlobe. On the day I first noticed it, it itched and hurt. It's stopped itching and hurting now but now I've noticed two more in the same lobe. The first one is about half the size of a pea and the others are tiny. They're not ON my lobe; they're inside. It's really strange.My boyfriend said it could be because I have my ears pierced but I had my ears pierced twelve years ago and haven't wore earrings since I felt the first lump. The earlobe with the lumps feels a lot harder than my other ear lobe. I will definitely visit my GP soon, but just looking for some reassurance in the meantime. Anyone else had these? I'm just paranoid about cancer. x

18-08-12, 23:32
Sounds like they may be little cysts, I used to get them in my ear lobes. The doctor might help if they don't go away on their own.

19-08-12, 01:37
I have had these, I think they are cysts. I think it's quite common to develop there. Your GP will be able to tell you quickly what they are, but I don't think you should be worried.

19-08-12, 11:25
I have a small one on my left ear lobe, I wouldn't worry about it. It's just a cyst. I also have a couple on my scalp.

19-08-12, 16:14
Thanks, that reassures me a little, although I thought cysts were like spots filled with puss close to the skin's surface. This thing is inside my earlobe and is invisible- you only notice it if you feel it. Is it possible for a cyst to be burried really deep within the skin. It's like having little balls inside my lobe. I can feel them from both sides of the lobe.

19-08-12, 18:28
They don't contain pus unless they are infected. Could just be like a fatty deposit beneath the skin, or even scar tissue? If I feel around I can feel numerous hard ball like lumps beneath my skin on my face, and one in my earlobe which is barely visible.

None of them have grown in size, if they were anything sinister they would grow over time.