View Full Version : My trip to the doctor today

25-07-06, 01:50
Well despite a rip roaring panic attack before and during the 20 min drive to the doctor.. it really wasn't all that bad.. in fact it was one of the few times in the past few years I liked being there.. of course I didn't see my regular doctor I saw one of her residents who is a positively wonderful woman who I would love to keep as a doctor when she is done.

the only part I hated about the visit was sadly I'm not getting off the Effexor as I had hoped in fact I'm going up to 150 mgs.. but I'm trying to remain positive about it even though on the inside I'm grumbling because I feel like I failed again.. even though I know that I didn't..

She is also mostly convinced that I have fibromyalgia which well honestly if that is the case it would tie together several of those symptoms I have had attacks over in the past years and finally give me one neat little package to work on. Of course I have to go through a barage of blood tests to rule out Lupus and what not.. but again I'm not really concerned about it I know it's just protocol to make sure everything else is alright. i've been down this road with a hormonal issue once before in my early 20's.

The interesting thing I did learn today is there is a tie in between fibromyalgia and anxiety.. it seems to be a common factor in those that do have FMS(for short) so that takes me back to the upside of things.. that a definate diagnosis for a change would greatly improve my mental state even though it hopes up a whole new avenue I have to explore.

I'm a little aprehensive about increasing my my dosage of effexor to be honest.. but then I don't like medications anyways.. so anytime they push a medicine my way I shrudder... but I know it should be done there for it will be.

Hope everyone else is doing well today

25-07-06, 02:01
Hi Trina -
Glad you made it there even tho you were feeling anxious - WAY TO GO !!!!!
Interesting about the fibromyalgia. Don't know too much about it and I am definitely not going to google it or I am sure to convince myself that I have it - lol
Keep us posted on how everything comes out :)

25-07-06, 08:38
Well done for getting yourself to the Doctors. I find it quite an ordeal!
I have fibromyalgia and panic attacks. I had fibromyalgia for 5 years without panic attacks but I'm in the middle of a really bad flare up which has made me lose my confidence (which has made me get the panic attacks). :( I'm too scared to go out by myself because my symptoms are so bad. I am currently undergoing tests for lupus as well. I have got to go into hospital for an EMG test and I am terrified (to rule out other nasties). Let me know how you are getting on - believe me - I'm an expert on fibromyalgia!!! Lol :)