View Full Version : Sertraline success

19-08-12, 10:41
Hi everyone Im new on here so bear with me. Its just a post to say basically I have been depressed with OCD for the last 10 years on and off with lifes triggers making things worse along the way. I tried prozac back in 2005 and anxiety went through the roof and I vowed I would get through this without medication, but it didnt work and I was still depressed most days. I had an episode just after christmas where problems at work and at home made me majorly depressed so I went to the docs and I just cried in front of him. He persuaded me to try another anti-depressant sertraline 100 mg and I gave them a go even though I was really apprehensive and worried but I could not carry on like this and went of the sick from work whilst taking them. I will be honest they do not work overnight and everyone is different. I have been on them for 6 months now and the last few months they have really begun to work where I dont feel irritable as soon as I wake up and dont want to get through the day. I have noticed myself singing when i am doing chores which is something I had not done for years, things dont bother me like they used to and I am a lot more relaxed and happy in myself which I could never see happening ever. I rarely cry and just feel at peace with myself and I am not obsessing over things anymore like I used too. I will not be coming off them anytime soon because I dont want to go back to how I was before. The one downside they have is personally for me they make me really tired, but I can cope with that its a small price to pay. If anyone is scared of trying them please give them a go they are not as bad as you think and they are there to help you, I would never contemplate taking anti depressants after the first episode but I am so glad that I did because everyone has noticed a difference in me, and I am a much nicer person to be around.

19-08-12, 10:52
Thank you for sharing this. I have started Sertraline this morning and am very frightened. It helps me to read positive stories like yours. xxx

20-08-12, 14:19
Hi. I'm so please that Sertraline has worked for you and thank you for sharing your story. Many people are frightened of taking antidepressants and we really need to hear more success stories like this. :hugs: