View Full Version : Watching Tv programmes/films from childhood

19-08-12, 12:55
I find that I watch a lot of programmes that were on in my childhood, sometimes I think that I only watch them because they are a link back to a time when I didn't have anxiety and when my life was good. This morning for instance I watched Lovejoy, and the other day I watched Heartbeat. I think its also to do with the fact that I dislike many things about the modern world and like watching things from a different era.

Is this something that I should mention in CBT?, I feel like its something that a psychologist would say had some significant meaning.

19-08-12, 13:42
its fine i love watching little house on the prairie,,the waltons ,,ive dvds of folly foot farm and harvest moon,,i enjoy going over old times think we all do

19-08-12, 13:52
I watched a few movies that i loved when I was about 13/14 and got really nostalgic. It does remind you of a time where everything felt good and you looked forward to the future unlike now.

19-08-12, 17:17
Yes I do that sometimes as well. Sometimes I look for old TV programmes on YouTube, and sometimes I even search for old adverts from my childhood and feel nostalgic about them!