View Full Version : Pain in bum question!

19-08-12, 13:20
Yesterday evening when I went to do a number 2 :blush: as things moved towards going if you know what I mean I got an agonising pain up my bum shooting into my abdomen, lasted about 2 seconds but made me literally jump and gasp. My poo was normal not hard or anything.

Today I have an ache up my bum and whenever I get to that point of things moving telling you you need the loo I get a worse ache left side up my bum. I have no blood or anything and poo is normal.

Any ideas??

19-08-12, 14:57
It could be a small fissure (tear) or piles but it is best to get it checked out by the doc so they can have a feel

19-08-12, 19:50
There is also a non-serious medical condition (can't remember the name - think it's proctus something) where the anal muscles can go into spasm for a few seconds causing a shooting pain.