View Full Version : Can i up my citalopram myself?

19-08-12, 13:30
Some days I feel great then others I feel anxious to death. Like feeling like my body isnt mine headaches. Im on 30mg can i up to 40? X

19-08-12, 13:39
Well of course we are not supposed to up meds without medical advice, (and I have never ever done so:winks:) but why not speak to your doctor about it?

Personally, upping from 30mg to 40mg of citalopram, on doctor's advice, was just what I needed. Very glad I stuck with it now, that extra dose can make all the difference in my own experience.

Do speak with your doctor though.

19-08-12, 14:15
What mg u on hun? X

19-08-12, 14:58
Still on 40mg sammie.

I feel pretty stable now, although it has only been a few weeks, to feel good is my normal now. It was a while getting to that, I didn't feel much improvement until I got up to the 40mg Cit. Also added on quetiapine for the anxiety, a winning combo for me, I have been lucky with my meds I know.

Hope you get some relief soon. Sounds like you have depersonalisation? Know how horrible it is to not feel like your body is your own. I had headaches all the time too.

Good luck :)

19-08-12, 16:35
I'm on 30mg. Im 5ft2 and 8 stone ans just worried that 40 will give me bad side effects :-(