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View Full Version : Light headed all the time?

19-08-12, 15:24
Hi, i went to a ENT specialist with ringing in my ears and feeling light headed all the time, he has put it down to stress and anxiety etc, has anyone else had this its been months and ive still got it going on most days! its ruining my life!

19-08-12, 18:42
Yes, I have had these symptoms for around 5 months. They do reduce with reduced anxiety levels. Are you taking any medication? It may be worth considering to get your anxiety levels under control. I know how frustrating these symptoms are. Take care and they will reduce :bighug1:

19-08-12, 20:23
Im now taking mirtazapine after i had no joy with cit and fluox.

So you felt lightheaded and had ringing in your ears aswell?
I was told it was due to the stress and anxiety levels in my body, im feeling alot calmer now but these symptoms will not go away!
I cant function while being lightheaded all the time, and its effecting my work as i have to have loads of time off, not good when you have your own business.
Im praying these issues will go in time!
Thanks for your reply :)

19-08-12, 22:15
Yes, the lightheadedness made me very afraid to go out. I felt very off balance and I feared collapsing. That has completely gone now since I started taking escitalopram. I still get ringing in my ears but not as often and if I distract myself it usually passes. I'm sure that these symptoms will subside with time. Take care xxx

19-08-12, 22:48

Yeah I went through a stage of feeling light headed and had a feeling that I could faint at any moment, If I ever caught myself not feeling light headed there was something in my head that immediately triggered a reaction and I would feel light headed again in a second!!! I had a fear of fainting, I always dreaded the thought of ever fainting, I still do. I put it all down to anxiety, the next time you feel like that just close your eyes , take a deep breath and tell yourself it is just your mind playing tricks on you, you will soon re-train your mind to disregard these feelings. By thinking about it we are kind of adding fuel to the fire, don't give it as much thought time as you usually do and it will pass, those 3 words are used a lot on this site 'it will pass' and they are very true.

19-08-12, 22:48
Moved to general symptoms forum for you.


20-08-12, 15:57
Thanks guys for the info, i feel scared all the time about being lightheaded, and its makes me more anxious which in turn makes me more lightheaded, i can not function when im like it.
Lets hope it does pass in time, at the moment im very aware of it all the time.

22-08-12, 20:41
i have been lightheaded for over a year now and its horrible. i feel 'unsafe' like i am going to faint. Does yours get worse in certain situations? mine does! standing in queues, feeling 'trapped' in a conversation with someone, even doing the washing up!

sometimes i also hav moments where i feel like i'm falling, hard to explain!

its a nightmere! but i hope it helps knwoing others feel the same x

23-08-12, 10:55
Yep,i get this all the time, i get lightheaded when i'm hungry and had started to think thats what it is, but i had read it is a symptom of anxiety. Its one of the most annoying symptoms ever as it really does stop you in your tracks. The same for me, standing in queues, out and about, sometimes just sitting at my desk at work where i am most comfortable which i dont understand at all! I dont know what the answer is, but if anyone has one, please letus know!
I have tried the 'talking' to yourself thing, keep telling yourself over and over it is just the mind. 'i dont have anxiety i dont have anxiety i dont have anxiety' !!!

20-11-12, 13:41
If you dont think it s anxiety then look at other causes. Maybe sinus/ear infection? Have you had a CT scan for the sinuses or MRI scan for the ears? Also, make sure you dont have black mold around the house, hidden away maybe. Also, no leaking toilets. Might help you i hope. xx