View Full Version : Not eating enough = bloating?

19-08-12, 15:47
Sorry for another post about bloating but just wanted to see if not eating enough can cause bloating?

I havent really been that hungry/too bloated to eat so only had 4 people meals since Tuesday. I know it's not perfect or ideal or good for you but I have had Complan to keep my going.

Anyway, Im really trying hard not to Google and stuff but just wanted to ask if fasting/not eating enough etc can really cause bloating or make IBS worse.

Thanks for reading.

19-08-12, 20:11
Hi! I know how you feel!And good job not googling, I still do it. (shame on me)
When we don't eat enough our bodies run out of stuff to burn up, so it finds the oh thing it can - water.
So I definitely think that you are bloating because your body needs something to burn and there's no food, and water is the next best thing.
Good luck and I hope you feel better!!

19-08-12, 22:49
I'm still convinced I've got ovarian cancer because of bloating and lower back pain.. But yeah not eating can cause it

19-08-12, 23:12
My stomachs really bloatd. I take meds for ibs. Can trappd wind make u really bloated? Im gettung tummy pains after everything i eat :(

20-08-12, 00:07
Yeah that can make you bloated too.. Lot's of things can, Not moving around, drinking too fast eating too little or too much, gas, stress..etc...lot's of things.

20-08-12, 00:37
Just found a post from 8 years ago and a reply from Nicola:

...you may be getting the pains because you are not eating enough...You need to get into a routine of eating small healthy meals a day. My stomach aches when I don't eat for a few hours so yours must be screaming out for food.

taken from http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1426&highlight=tight+band

seems true but it's still hard to try and think that way

20-08-12, 00:58
haha wise words from me Piers lol