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View Full Version : Worried about my husband any advise please :(

19-08-12, 19:02
Hey I'm fretting about my hubby so much, giving my health anxiety about me a few days off!!,
He started getting a painful swollen red and hot knee On Thursday and by Saturday the redness had spread right down his shin.. Took him out of hours go yesterday morning and they started him on some antibiotics as they thought infec in his knee he had 3 doses yesterday and so far 2 today and is soon to take last of the day but his leg is still real red and swollen???
I'm so worried its gonna spread into his blood and him get septicimia or completely infect the knee joint ... I've had to have a word with my self as been worrying about the thought of him loosing his leg.. Jokes aside I am so so worried!!!
Anyone had any experience of knee infections?

19-08-12, 19:38
Hi Kate

If his leg still looks as red and swollen tomorrow, I'd make an appointment with his GP just incase he needs a second course of antibiotics.

He's not going to lose his leg hun.

Let us know how he gets on.


19-08-12, 19:47
Thanks Lisa :) I think I might get him an appointment tomoro just for them to check it over we are ment to be going to the south coast for a few days on Tuesday so sooner get it checked here than him getting sick away from home plus our out of hours are nurse practitioners and paramedics, not that I have a prob with that, and would sooner get a doctors view on it
:) xx

19-08-12, 20:34
I think you're doing the right thing. If he gets more antibiotics it should be just about better by the time you go to the coast.

Hope all goes well at docs.
