View Full Version : I'm 17 and have really bad health anxiety? Can someone help?

19-08-12, 19:45
Hi, I'm a 17 year old female who is normally very healthy.About three weeks ago, I got very sick (I had extreme vertigo, nausea, my neck and the back of my head ached, and I just felt like crap), well that lasted for about two weeks.
I did go to my doctor a couple of days after it started and he said he thought I caught a virus, because there was something going around our town.
But during the two weeks that I was sick, I seem to have developed really bad health anxiety.
At first I was just a little afraid, but then I googled (I know I shouldn't have), and of course a brain tumor popped up and all kinds of other horrid things. And that just pushed me over the edge.
I started feeling like myself about a week and a half ago, and all my aches and pains and vertigo were gone.
But about three days ago the lymph nodes in my armpits swelled up and started to hurt pretty bad, and then just yesterday I got my period, and I started feeling really nauseous and I have a slight headache that comes and goes (it isn't throbbing, just there), I have thrown up three time since yesterday, and my neck and the back of my head are a little achy.(nothing compared to how they were before, but still.)
So of course, what did I do? Googled.
And the first things that pop up are cancer and aids.
Usually with my period I will get a headache or nausea.
But I have never gotten the chills before.
I have truly convinced myself I'm going to die, I feel crazy and I don't know what to do.
I have anxiety attacks throughout the day and I just start crying and telling myself I'm going to be dead soon.
I am constantly thinking that there is something deathly wrong with me, and it is all I think about.
I am very stressed because my college classes start tomorrow, and my high school classes start the next day, and that on top of thinking I am dying constantly is really affecting me.
I feel so crazy, but I don't know what to do.
Could my period be causing all these symptoms even if it never has before?
Before I got sick three weeks ago I never got really sick, so I try to tell myself that I'm okay but in the back of my mind I think I'm the unlucky one who is going to die of some awful disease or tumor.
Also, could my anxiety be causing some of my symptoms?
I know this was really long so thank you for anyone who took the time out to read it, it means a lot, thank you. Any help is greatly appreciated.

19-08-12, 20:03
I'm 18 and i'm just like you, my college classes start tomorrow as well and my period does make things feel a lot worse. honestly i went to countless doctors and everything came back normal- it really is amazing how much anxiety can do to the body. google is seriously our worse enemy, and i was convinced i had something seriously wrong with me. It might make you feel better to see a doctor just to put your mind at ease but anxiety could definitely be the cause of all your symptoms, especially with school starting and since you just got over a virus. i know this is so hard to do, but try not to google any of your symptoms, you're young and if something was seriously wrong, your doctor would've said so.

19-08-12, 20:06
Thank you so much. It really helps to hear from people who know what I'm feeling, because everyone else just says I'm fine and I need to learn to control my mind. But it's not that easy.Thank you for reading that book up there! It means a lot, and helps calm me down.

19-08-12, 20:21
Hi hun, I know its easy to say but try not to worry and even though its tempting don't Google anymore. I've suffered anxiety for years and it can make you feel terrible with so many symptoms. I'm sure you are fine but if you don't start to feel better soon just pop to your dr's so they can put your mind at rest x

19-08-12, 20:33
I've been trying not to google.Thank you for your reply, and for reading my life story!
I'm trying to fight this stupid anxiety, and it helps to get reassurance from other who know what it's like.

19-08-12, 20:47
When you start to feel anxious pop on some music or do something you enjoy to try and distract your mind and then hopefully the symptoms will ease off. Hope you feel better soon x

Anxious lu
19-08-12, 21:13
Hi there, I am twenty and know exactly where you are coming from I feel like I have a horrible disease like HIV I even have gone for a blood test, I get the results tomorrow and am in an absolute panic. I would never have considered havin that if it wasn't for google and my stupid health anxiety.
So many symptoms such as muscle aches and nausea are related to health anxiety yet I am convinced it's something worse. My glands under my jaw seem swollen to me. They are not painful and my throat is fine but I am sure there is something wrong here!! Everybody says they can't feel them but I think they are lying to me because they know how worked up I am. I am driving friends and family crazy at the moment they are convinced I am fine but I believe otherwise..
It's ruining my relationship with my boyfriend as he thinks I'm going nutty, completely on the edge here with worry especially about my results tomorrow. Health anxiety is all new to me and they way my body feels and how I react is scary.

19-08-12, 21:30
I know exactly how you feel. This all all new to me as well. And the people around me think I'm crazy or just want attention. But that's not it at all. And I attribute every little symptom to some life threatening disease. Like my nausea, muscle aches, sore armpits, and achy neck and head MUST mean I'm dying. I hate google though because they never give you an in between, it is always worst case scenario. My mom is going to call the doctor tomorrow, but my GP isn't in until Tuesday so I have to wait til then, and she is also going to see if I can get some bloodwork done. I'm still convinced I have a brain tumor or aids or something awful, but I know my terrible anxiety is causing so much of this. I read everywhere that you would be amazed at what your brain can do to your body, and I think that's true. I'm sure your bloodwork will come out clean, and I'm sorry you have this awful feeling of health anxiety, I wish no one had to feel this way! Please let me know what your results are, and thank you for reading a book, good luck!