View Full Version : can you help me out please?

19-08-12, 23:33
Hello, I'm 22 years old, For years now I have been depressed, I have had Agoraphobia, Social phobia, BDD, depression, anxiety.. Right now it's the health anxiety that's getting me down, I just lay there in bed not wanting to move, I am just waiting to die..I'm too scared of hospitals and doctors ( i think because i had severe panic attacks when i was in hospital ( i had a collapsed lung and had to have an op in 2010) But i had to give up uni and because i can't control my anxiety and stress. Anyway I was just wondering does anyone just lay there like me and just wait to die?? Thank you.

20-08-12, 00:43
I can honestly say yes I do. Sometimes I just lay there wishing I had a gun and could end the pain and misery. I even try pleading or begging in my mind for it to go away. I find the health anxiety has affected my mood in a major way. I am scared that the smallest thing might be something else and there is no pattern. Im also scared of hospitals and doctors (hospitals because of the aftercare after an op and doctors because they misdiagnosed cellulitis as a mosquite bite).

I can honestly say that if guns were easy to get a hold of then I would not be here.

20-08-12, 00:54
I am so sorry that both of you are feeling this way.
I know where you are coming from. I am only 17, but I have such terrible health anxiety, I'm at the point where it consumes my entire day.
Every little symptom to me is something life threatening.
I'm scared to sleep at night because I feel like I will just wake up and feel even worse, which keeps the vicious circle going.
Health anxiety is the most awful thing I have ever experienced.
I know it is hard, and believe me I understand just wanting out sometimes, but please realize that the likelihood of you having something very serious is not so high.
It is so hard to get through, but fight this disease and do not let it win. You are much stronger than it, and you truly have to believe that.
Anxiety can cause so many bad symptoms, and as I heard somewhere else, you would be surprised at what your mind can do to your body.
Please stay strong and stay away from google(that it what pushed me over the edge into a full blown hypochondriac.

20-08-12, 20:37
Thanks guys.. I know how you feel..