View Full Version : More scared than ever! Going to GP in 5 minutes.

Anxiety Jim
20-08-12, 09:07

I'm going to see my GP in a few minutes to let them know about my symptoms, yellow/grey stools for 4 - 5 months, loss of appetite, pain in abdomen, itching all over, and burping a lot. I'm so scared they're going to diagnose cancer, of either stomach, liver, pancreas or bowel!

I don't know how I'm going to tell my family I've not got long left, and I'm so scared of dying! :-(

20-08-12, 09:20
Stay calm you probably have not got any of the above it could be caused by lots of other things as well,your GP my send you for further tests.

So try not to worry.

I wish you all the best with your GP.


20-08-12, 09:23
Please dont worry!!!!! easier said than dont i know. I have suffered health anx for 2 years and had all the symptoms you have listed . Let me know how you get on xx

Anxiety Jim
20-08-12, 09:46
Please dont worry!!!!! easier said than dont i know. I have suffered health anx for 2 years and had all the symptoms you have listed . Let me know how you get on xx

Even the pale yellow/grey stools symptom?

The Dr didn't even examine me :-( He said it could be a number of things related to the liver, gallbladder, pancreas or kidneys, which has worried me to a stupid degree because that's basically what I've been worried about. :-(

I've got to have a fasting blood test on Wednesday he said it's basically an MOT as he's checking lots of things.

And to make things worse he looked a bit worried when I mention the yellow stools :-(

I don't know how I will survive today and tomorrow waiting to have the test, and then waiting for the results! :-(

20-08-12, 12:43
yes all different colours!!! believe me it is a worry i got a bad stomach at the minute there are lots of different bugs going around xx

20-08-12, 13:28
At least he didn't dismiss you and is actually running tests . Maybe I need a new doctor !

Anxiety Jim
20-08-12, 15:10
Hi everyone,

For the past hour ive been feeling very hot, faint, and i keep thinking im about to throw up. This is making me feel sure ive got cancer now. :-(

Should i go to A+E? maybe see my gp again tomorrow?


---------- Post added at 15:10 ---------- Previous post was at 15:00 ----------

I think I'm going to have to go to A+E because I've never felt this sick, faint or shaky before in my life. It started about 20 minutes after I'd eaten, so I'm thinking it could be a blood sugar thing???

20-08-12, 15:20
I had something called helicobacter pylori. I had funny coloured stools, sickness and tummy pains. I had bloods and a stool sample taken. It came back positive for pylori. I was on lots of tablets to get rid of this and thankgod it worked. It's basically an infection in ur bowel that causes ulcers. I'm just wondering if u have this x

20-08-12, 15:28
i would go to a+e for your own peace of mind if not you'll just drive yourself mad with worry xx

Anxiety Jim
20-08-12, 15:50
I just got to the hospital now. I'm so scared i won't ever come back out :-(

Im using my phone to beon here by the way.

Any1 got any advice to stop me having a full blown panic attack when im in there?

20-08-12, 15:52
let us know how you get on, i hope you get an answer xx

20-08-12, 16:12
hope u get on ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anxiety Jim
20-08-12, 16:16
Thanks everyone, youve been helpful. But i still think im going to die today. :-(

20-08-12, 16:24
u wont die hun they will help u at the hospital

Anxiety Jim
20-08-12, 17:38
Im sure ill be dead by tonight. :-(

---------- Post added at 16:36 ---------- Previous post was at 16:35 ----------

Nurse has just seen me. waiting for a heart trace now.

---------- Post added at 16:48 ---------- Previous post was at 16:36 ----------

Just had my heart trace. She said it was fine. Now back in the waiting room. Not feeling good. :-(

---------- Post added at 17:22 ---------- Previous post was at 16:48 ----------

Still in waiting room, im sure ive got cancer, its the only thing that fits :-(

---------- Post added at 17:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:22 ----------

They said my bloods from last week were fine, so now less serious things have been ruled out im sure cancer is the only thing left. Im nearly in tears!!!

20-08-12, 18:02
The bloods may have ruled out serious things, especially liver and pancreas. Anxiety causes abdominal problems. The fight/flight syndrome plays havoc with your digestion.

Anxiety Jim
20-08-12, 18:09
Thanks for the reply, i dont think bloods would give any sign of cancer though, thats what has upset me. Knowing it could stil be cancer is sooo scarey.

20-08-12, 18:15
I honestly think you need to speak to the doctors about the level of health anxiety you are suffering. You may fear they will then not take your physical symptoms seriously, but I am sure they will. But even if you come away from the hospital today with the all clear, I expect by tonight you will of rejected their words and still be in the same state of anxiety. I cannot stress this enough, you need processional help for your anxiety.

20-08-12, 18:22
Thanks for the reply, i dont think bloods would give any sign of cancer though, thats what has upset me. Knowing it could stil be cancer is sooo scarey.

Don't you think that if you had cancer of the pancreas or liver this might affect their function a bit and this would show up in your blood tests?

---------- Post added at 18:22 ---------- Previous post was at 18:19 ----------

I honestly think you need to speak to the doctors about the level of health anxiety you are suffering. You may fear they will then not take your physical symptoms seriously, but I am sure they will. But even if you come away from the hospital today with the all clear, I expect by tonight you will of rejected their words and still be in the same state of anxiety. I cannot stress this enough, you need processional help for your anxiety.

Yup! Get the all-clear then get a referral for CBT asap. It's better than pills. I have had it, it really worked for me. My therapist was brilliant.

Anxiety Jim
20-08-12, 18:24
I really dont think my symptoms are health anxiety related. My HA symptoms before were tight chest and short of breath.

This seems different, and i was mostly not anxious for the last two years. Im just scared ive got incurable cancer, i think most people would be. Unless im not thinking straight of course, but i THINK i am.

20-08-12, 18:30
Hi jim I definitely think its health anxiety I thought I was dying over Christmas, and going the doctors makes you worse as it fuels the anxiety, you feel ok when you've been then half an hour your back to square one.

Bloods would show anything nasty up as your white cells would be up due to fighting stuff off in your body, so it's good that they are ok

Jayne x

Anxiety Jim
20-08-12, 18:36
Hi everyone i really hope its health anxiety. But my worry is if i bring my anxiety up, everything will be put down to that, and they'll miss the cancer.

20-08-12, 19:01
I went to the doctors today and he said he believes my constant stomach cramps,running to the loo,bloated etc is all due to stress and anxiety. He explained how stress affects ur body like this and can cause all the symptoms im getting. Hes put me on diazipam cuz he saod once i calm down and relax he believes my stomach problems will go away. Hes also put me on anti depressants and referred me for therapy

Anxiety Jim
20-08-12, 21:08
Thanks, i hope mine is the same.

Right, time for an update. I eventually got to see a doctor. He felt my stomach area, and listened to my breathing. He said i was fine, but i needed to lose weight, he said he was twice my age and he needs to lose weight too, so i should stop worrying.

I had no blood taken, the nurse just said my ones from last week were ok. I told the doctor i was worried about my yellow stools, and he said not to worry about it.

1/2 of me is relieved he said i was OK but the other 1/2 thinks he just thought i was worried and wanted to get me out asap, i only spent about 2 minutes with the doctor before he said i could go home, which has got me a bit worried.

---------- Post added at 21:08 ---------- Previous post was at 19:50 ----------

OK now i am fully paniced again :-(

Ive been googling yellow stools, (mine is light mustard colour) and everything points to pancreatic cancer :-(

20-08-12, 21:20
Jim, your white cell count would have have been raised if anything was wrong. The act like the Army and come out to fight infections etc.

I have diverticular disease and my stools are very light.

I think you need cbt to help you with your health anxiety, it's hard to believe what drs say when your in a state of anxiety, I know, I've been there many times:blush:

hope you feel better soon.

trish x

Anxiety Jim
20-08-12, 21:47
I now dont think the hospital did all the tests. They only took 1syringe of blood, whereas the gp said they will need to take a few when i have my blood taken there.

When they find the cancer i dont wan my last couple of months to be full of constant panic :-(

---------- Post added at 21:47 ---------- Previous post was at 21:39 ----------

i think I'm going to have to go back to my GP tomorrow morning, and mention that I'm concerned about pancreatic cancer...


20-08-12, 22:04
I would go bak and tell them all ur fears so u cn get peace of mind. Are u on any meds for ur HA? Have u askd to b refered for therapy?

Anxiety Jim
20-08-12, 22:14
I used to be on citalopram 20mg then 40mg for 2 years, but I took myself off it last year and haven't been on anything since, but I've been OK up until last week.

I'm 100% sure I've got pancreatic cancer, and I'm trying to pluck up the courage to tell my family, but I'm sure I'll break down if I said anything though.

20-08-12, 22:18
You don't want to get flagged as a healthy anxiety person or as someone who wants medical tests.
Did you ask what blood tests they ran?
I strongly suggest you don't mention cancer fears and just mention your symptoms .

I think you have health anxiety because you have symptoms of IBS and stomach cancer and you've decided that it's cancer you have.
And now you've added a new cancer to the list.

You're always going to have symptoms, but there's a difference between having symptoms and being actually sick .

You can feel if your pancrious is swollen. It's under your left rib area near your side .
When my cousin had cancer it was swollen up and the doctor could feel it.
After treatment she's ok , so cancer isn't a death sentences either.

Anxiety Jim
20-08-12, 22:31
I hate to ask questions, but was it pancreatic cancer?

All the websites I've been on say things like "yellow stools need to be brought to your doctors attention ASAP, as it can mean pancreatic cancer" and things like that, everywhere says pancreatic cancer. And I've had the symptoms for between 3 - 5 months, but I can't remember exactly when it started, I just ignored it, and now I'm so angry with myself! :-(

I really feel the need to go to the GP tomorrow so they can understand how serious my symptoms are, I don't think I explained how yellow my stools are.

I just want to crawl under a rock, and cry till death takes me... :-(

20-08-12, 22:40
I feel for u i really do. Its ok for us to say ur ok but we all know what it feels like when ur gripped with that fear that u have an illness. Tell the doctor exacrly how u feel tomoro, ask him is ther any chances its pancratic cancer. I think u need to know that hes takin u seriously and if he thinks u are showing the symptoms r not. I really wudnt listen to google, it can really feed your worry. Just see what ur gp says x

Anxiety Jim
20-08-12, 22:44
I've never felt this strongly about any of my symptoms before, and what ever happens when I see my GP I'm sure it'll make me more panicked.

If he says it's not cancer I won't believe him, if he says he want's me to be tested for it I think I'll just collapse, I've been feeling faint all day, and have hardly eaten anything for the past week. :-(

20-08-12, 22:47
Anxiety does affect digestion, when you're anxious the blood to your stomach is reduced and the digestion slows right down.
Maybe you could do a food allergy blood test, it might be something you are eating .

Anxiety Jim
20-08-12, 22:52
I don't think I'm eating any different, maybe a little more fruit so I can try to get healthy, and a little less food in total, but no drastic changes.

I've read anxiety can affect digestion, but I've had these symptoms for 3 - 5 months now, and in the last 2 weeks the symptoms have got a lot worse, and I've only started having panic attacks the last week.


I would just like to thank everyone who has offered advice and support on this thread, I'm not being rude not believing you all that I'm probably fine, but I just really feel I've got the cancer, and I can't manage to shake the feeling. I'm really sorry if I've offended or annoyed anyone with my constant messages, I just don't know what to do, I'm so scared! :-(

20-08-12, 22:52
If you really are sure, you'll have to get that test where the put the camera down your throat and into your tummy.
My doctor sent me to get it don't but I refused. I was having symptoms like you too.
I'm still here :)

If the tests come back clear then that means you're being delusional. Which you need to get some therapy and CBT for.
A delusion is when you strongly think something is true no matter what.

Have you ever had health fears before?
Honestly I can tell you, you don't have cancer even if I really think you don't.
Only your doctor can tell you that.

I'm sorry you are scared and so stressed out right now .
But look up anxiety sympyoms too :)

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 00:04
I had health fears about 4 years ago that lasted 2 years, I was sure I had heart problems. But for the past 1 - 2 years I've been nearly completely fine, not a single panic attack.

It's because these symptoms seem so concrete that's got me worried, I'm not sure it's even my old health anxiety that's back, or just the fear of cancer that a 'normal' person would have...


---------- Post added 21-08-12 at 00:04 ---------- Previous post was 20-08-12 at 23:13 ----------

Does anyone have any advice on how I can bring the cancer subject up with my GP? And also weather I should even mention my heath anxiety at this point?

21-08-12, 08:07
I think if the doctor doesnt think u have the signs of cancer and uve been all checkd out u r going to have to tell him about health anxiety because you are going to drive yourself crazy. I have health anxiety and i drive myself mad thinking i am dying and that i think i have cancer. But the difference with me is that when i eventually do go to the doctor and get checkd out i take comfort when they tell me its not cancer.

I dont think you are going to believe the doctor if they tell u its not cancer therefore you r going to have to tell them that you have HA and that you cant get it out of your head that u must be seriously ill

21-08-12, 08:31
Have you analyzed your diet just to make sure there isnt something your eating which might cause this.

Are you eating many yellow/orange foods? What about modifying your diet for a few days to see if this might change things? Perhaps lowering your fibre content or reducing/removing wheat for a while. I have IBS and have been following the low FODMAP diet and it does help alot of people with their digestive problems.

21-08-12, 10:09
I really dont think my symptoms are health anxiety related. My HA symptoms before were tight chest and short of breath.

This seems different, and i was mostly not anxious for the last two years. Im just scared ive got incurable cancer, i think most people would be. Unless im not thinking straight of course, but i THINK i am.

There are a multitude of anxiety symptoms if you are a long term sufferer (weeks, months) that seem to rotate. You won't get them all at the same time but because you don't have limitless supplies of adrenaline but over time you will get different symptoms that come and go.

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 10:21
Hi everyone,

My only diet change is not eating much at all, ive felt very sick and weak for the past week, so haven't eaten much compared to usual.

My urine was very dark again this morning :-(

Ive booked an appointment with my gp at 3pm, but not sure how to bring up my cancer worries.

21-08-12, 10:40
I really dont think my symptoms are health anxiety related. My HA symptoms before were tight chest and short of breath.

This seems different, and i was mostly not anxious for the last two years. Im just scared ive got incurable cancer, i think most people would be. Unless im not thinking straight of course, but i THINK i am.

There are a multitude of anxiety symptoms if you are a long term sufferer (weeks, months) that seem to rotate. You won't get them all at the same time but because you don't have limitless supplies of adrenaline but over time you will get different symptoms that come and go.

You have had the all-clear so get your GP to refer you for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Also get him to give you the depression and anxiety questionnaires to fill in. I have done these and had CBT. It's bloody brilliant. In the first session I learnt the mechanisms behind all my symptoms and just learning about this caused my anxiety levels to fall and many of my symptoms to ease.

It was exactly twelve months ago that this process began. By the second week in September I drove to see my sister 150 miles away on just three hours sleep. I had a nap when I got there. Only a few weeks earlier such lack of sleep would have triggered a panic attack. I felt fine - and liberated!

I had my last session in late September. My scores on the anxiety questionnaire were now completely normal and I was now completely symptom-free. :)

I have the odd glitch now and then but I feel better equipped to deal with my fears.

Just reading your posts I see classic signs of what is called Negative Filtering; you disregard good news and see only the bad. What you need is Balance.

---------- Post added at 10:26 ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 ----------

Hi everyone,

My only diet change is not eating much at all, ive felt very sick and weak for the past week, so haven't eaten much compared to usual.

My urine was very dark again this morning :-(

Ive booked an appointment with my gp at 3pm, but not sure how to bring up my cancer worries.

Dehydration. Drink more water.

---------- Post added at 10:40 ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 ----------

Instead of ruling out cancer your doctor would be better ruling in anxiety. He can't prove 100% that you don't have cancer because that is impossible (this goes for all of us) and even if he did the reassurance would be short-lived. What he can do is tell you what is wrong with you and what is causing your symptoms.

Note I said anxiety not HA. You have anxiety and the focus of your worrying just happens to be your health.

As a first step, read through this thread again and try to spot the alternative scenarios to your worst case one. Your doctors have been able to eliminate cancers of the liver and pancreas through simple blood tests. The jaundice was eliminated by looking in your eyes for they provide the most definitive clue.

My urine is sometimes very dark, sometimes not. Ditto my stools. Dehydration is a more likely cause of your dark pee; the weather is warm, you've probably been sweating a bit too with worry and you probably haven't drunk enough liquids.

Harrison Chase
21-08-12, 11:07
If you don't mind me asking Jules , how many sessions of CBT did you have?.

I have done three and have three left . I worry that it is not enough.

( I have been feeling very similar to Jim and Sheila ).

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 12:00
Hi Jules,

Thanks for taking the time and writing such a long post. I really hope it is just anxiety causing my symptoms, my stool today was not quite as yellow as before, it was more a very light brown/orange colour, which I'm hoping is a good sign. I'm guessing if I did have pancreatic cancer my stools would always be very light yellow/grey?

I think when I go to my GP later I'll tell him/her about all of my cancer symptoms, and see what they say, and then I'll try to bring up that I think my anxiety is back, but I'd still like to rule out cancer as the trigger for my anxiety being back, if that makes any sense?

21-08-12, 13:29
Jim, tell your doctor you have anxiety and ask for the DSM iv anxiety and depression diagnostic questionnaires and fill them in there and then.

Do that this afternoon.

---------- Post added at 13:29 ---------- Previous post was at 13:26 ----------

If you don't mind me asking Jules , how many sessions of CBT did you have?.

I have done three and have three left . I worry that it is not enough.

( I have been feeling very similar to Jim and Sheila ).

I had six. Make sure you do ALL of the exercises and read ALL of the material you are given.

Practise your 7/11 breathing.

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 14:27
Hi everyone,

Im leaving forthe GP in 20 minutes, does anyone have any advice on what to tell him/her?


21-08-12, 14:38
hi jim sorry to hear your feeling anxious i have found in the past that being in the hospital gives a sense of releif from the anxiety , maybe the dizzy spell is from the panic and feeling sick can be down to that aswell i thought i had a problem with my stomach and esophegus recently kept burping alot had pain under ribs , had the runs for weeks sometimes it can be down to anxiety but best to get checked over , i found out that anxiety can cause acid reflux also keep us posted on how your getting on

---------- Post added at 14:38 ---------- Previous post was at 14:37 ----------

jim have u gone

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 14:44
I'm just about to go now,

I'll let you all know how it goes, I'm sure I'll come back feeling a bit better, but I'll probably start to feel bad again sometime later :-S

21-08-12, 14:49
I would tell the doc everything and all ur concerns and see what he says. I really believe its anxiety. I have reflux and ibs because of my constant anxiety x

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 15:57
Hi everyone,

Well my gp checked my leg again and said he really doesn't think i have a blood clot. Then i moved onto my stomach symptoms, and my fear of stomach/pancreatic cancer, and he said it wouldn't even cross his mind, and its virtually unheard of in someone my age, but i found stories of people my age with it :-(

He's given me sedatives, i think diazepam. He's given me 14, but says he doesn't want me to have anymore because they are addictive. I've got an appointment with him in a week for when my blood test results on my liver etc are back, and to maybe start me back on citalopram.

He said he really doesn't think I've got an serious disease or health problems, except that I need to get my weight down from over 24 stone because that's a long term health concern.

He has also given me a 'book on prescription' for a book called "An Introduction to Coping with Health Anxiety" by Brenda Hogan, that I can get from the library.

21-08-12, 16:16
Think il buy that book aswell to see if it can help.

How do you feel now?

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 16:29
I feel a little less panicked, because the Dr said he didn't think I had any serious illness. But I still feel that I must have the cancer, I'm hoping the blood test results would show something when they come through next week. If they all come back fine I'm hoping it put my mind at rest.

21-08-12, 16:34
R u going to take the diazipam? The doctor gave me them yesterday aswell. I didnt take them though. I took one of the antidepressants and now i dont wana take them. I dunno what to do...

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 17:00
I'm a little nervous of taking them, I'm worried that I'll pass out or something...

21-08-12, 17:05
Im sure its a low dose just to settle u a bit it should help u x

21-08-12, 17:09
Hi everyone,

Well my gp checked my leg again and said he really doesn't think i have a blood clot. Then i moved onto my stomach symptoms, and my fear of stomach/pancreatic cancer, and he said it wouldn't even cross his mind, and its virtually unheard of in someone my age, but i found stories of people my age with it :-(

He's given me sedatives, i think diazepam. He's given me 14, but says he doesn't want me to have anymore because they are addictive. I've got an appointment with him in a week for when my blood test results on my liver etc are back, and to maybe start me back on citalopram.

He said he really doesn't think I've got an serious disease or health problems, except that I need to get my weight down from over 24 stone because that's a long term health concern.

He has also given me a 'book on prescription' for a book called "An Introduction to Coping with Health Anxiety" by Brenda Hogan, that I can get from the library.

He sounds like a good GP.

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 17:17
He sounds like a good GP.

I think he is, but I'm still worried about what I might have :-(

Veronica H
21-08-12, 17:18
:bighug1:I hope you get the reassurance you need soon Jim. This sounds so much like severe anxiety though. xV

21-08-12, 17:49
I'm glad you went to see your doc Jim and that he was able to give you some reassurance. Hopefully I can get the same from my doc on Thursday...still feel lousy...and am still convinced I've got pancreatic cancer or some serious liver ailment....I am absolutely terrified right now

21-08-12, 17:54
He's started with bibliotherapy and short-term medication. CBT should follow. The good news is he's diagnosed you. That means that further tests are not required.

You now have to accept that eliminating life-threatening illness for peace of mind is just not going to work for as soon as you eliminate one deadly disease another will take its place.

You need to learn to live with uncertainty. Very unlikely = not worth worrying about. Exercise and diet will improve your mood enabling you to see the glass as half full rather than half empty.

Anxiety Jim
21-08-12, 20:26
I think that further tests are required though, I think it would really help if I ruled out some serious conditions.

I've got a blood test booked in tomorrow morning, a fasting one. This isn't because of my visit to the doctors today but my visit yesterday, I'm sure they'll have to send me to the hospital though, because they can never get any blood out of me, and even the hospital struggle a lot of the time.

Once I'm sure they've ruled serious things out, and I know they've taken my symptoms seriously I'll suggest CBT to the GP myself I think.

21-08-12, 20:31
Ok, after this final blood test it is therapy time! You will be on your way to recovery when you finally accept that you don't need any more tests.

Also there is a waiting list for CBT so you need to get on it asap!