View Full Version : This heat making anxiety worse

20-08-12, 09:54
Down here in the south of uk its been so very hot for the last couple of days an i'm finding my anxiety/panic is at an all time high. I feel more headachy and suffer from light sensitivity which makes me even more panicky:(

Does anyone else experience this?

I notice that I can not seem to tolerate either very cold or very hot weather.

20-08-12, 10:39
I get anxiety with the humidity, it makes me feel as though I cannot breathe, which starts the panic attacks, so you are not alone, it is probably quite common.

20-08-12, 11:20
Yes, overheating is one of my anxiety symptoms. I love the sun but this muggy weather is horrible. I bought a fan yesterday :yesyes:

20-08-12, 11:35
I'm in the east of England and it's been very hot here too. I've been feeling more anxious because I've found it hard to sleep in the extreme heat. I've got a south-facing bedroom and it gets to 30 degrees even with my fan on!

20-08-12, 13:50
Yes I think the lack of sleep because of the heat isnt helping either and to make matters worse some idiot neighbour decided to have a bonfire last night so not only were we sweltering in our house as we had to shut all the windows & I was panicking that we were all breathing in some kind of awful smoke fumes:mad:

21-08-12, 02:29
The heat made me constantly worry about global warming. It was quite morbid.

21-08-12, 10:12
Even in the north it has been hot, although not quite 30 degrees thank goodness! the humidity and heat makes me restless and gives me headaches, which then make me feel down. Although yesterday i faced it and went out for a walk for an hour, even though it was hot, the fresh air really made me feel refreshed. :)