View Full Version : Anxiety symtoms?

25-07-06, 09:51
Hi Everyone,

Im new to this board but can't stop thinking ...I wish this was around over twenty years ago when I felt anxiety like most of the people here in a major way suffering almost every symtom you could ever experience...It was a long haul but I conquered most all anxiety for most part(do you really ever do that?) and even lost the fear of fear..that was a really impressive part of my life that gave me experiences I never thought I would experience .but alas...Anxiety again has struck ..it seems from out of no where.It started with me finding myself starting to panic when I was out somewhere..This was occassional and then went away.. then I started getting a feeling of depression about my life and my age and worrying I suppose in the back of my mind that my life was over..I really don't know what happened but awoke one morning with my neck feeling out of sorts..and suffering weird vertigo everytime I bent over or lay down ...That has passed for the most part but ,then started getting a numbness in my arm and hand instantly when lying down in bed working the mouse..It wouldn't happen when it was in a weird position for awhile like normal but just as I would move it around...Both of these things made me paranoid and gave me a little anxious heart pounding with the fear of both coming back..Well its been a few weeks since both of these were prevailent and I started doing a little walking and getting out more than usual and working around the house..The next morning I awoke and found I had a vibration sensation in the right part of my chest around the nipple area..There is not really a sensation of pain but just a fluttering vibration.. It made me think that perhaps all these things were connected to some type of blockage in the arteries and has caused me three days of worry with the fluttering which now is starting to hurt a little..I also experience the sound of my heart in my ears quite often but when I put my finders in my ears its more like the pulse is in my neck..I feel that most of my symtoms are perhaps my nerves since most of this come about at a time that I felt depressed...but still I am worried..Are these anxiety related or have the sound of real medical issues? I have had regular checkups and the doctor alwas says my heart sounds strong and my bp is good...My head tells me its anxiety ..but my body still makes me worry... Hopefully someone can tell me ....thanks...

25-07-06, 10:11
Hi looking4answers and welcome to the forum :D

It sounds like classic anxiety symptoms to me, I get all the symptoms you describe, but if you haven't seen your doctor for a while it might be worth going down there, if only to be reassured. Also I along with a lot of people on this site are big fans of books by Dr Claire Weekes, try reading those and see if you get any help and comfort from them.

All the best for the future.

Face, accept, float, let time pass

25-07-06, 11:20
would love to know how you had the strength to conquer the fear years ago as many of us struggling now, your story would be an inspiration to many

im glad though if it is sterting to come back that you have found the site now, remember though if you can achieve this thing once, success that is, then you can do it again at what ever age

take care


25-07-06, 11:55
Both replies are truly appreciated..I was fortunate years ago to talk to several psychologist that gave me basically the same advise that I have read much to my suprise over and over in the forums of people that have suffered as I did.My first bout with anxiety...actually that was very statling.. although I had suffered most of my life with being anxious ...compliments of certain family members...I was about 23 and had been working days in the heat and then also working another job till late hours in a tv station..I started having bad heart papitations and fast heart rate..almost to the point of blacking out..It scarred me so bad I had to take off my job in the middle of a shift and go to the ER...They put me in the hospital and ran test after test after test..With about a month of being in the cardiac unit and having specialist come in for almost everything..they couldn't find anything , but dehidration..Well as you know ..dehidration is not a laughing matter..it cause major organ shutdown..which was happening.. I was fortunate to talk one on one with a heart specialist..Look at my heart on a sonagram and also ask some questions about everything I could think of.They made me wear a holter monitor which the specialist said he couldn't find anything even though I had many of what I thought were life threatening problems while it was on..So I just figured maybe he knew better.. but was still suspicious..I got out of the hospital after about a month..and was glad to be out but almost more anxious than before..About a month went by and I started getting migrains very severe and they put me back in the hospital and more test...Well after about three weeks I was ready to go home thinking ..I don't care what is wrong with me im going crasy sitting here day after day...About that time is when I met the two doctors that I refered to at the begining of this post..One would listen with concern..and at every question try to make me feel better..and say well..its probably nothing ..or well maybe you should ask your gp..kind of like ..his determination was I think you have a mental problem but it could be physical..This really made me more anxious..But then I met another dr...the other one was out of town for awhile to see if we could find out what the issue was..Well if he found it out I was never to know..I would tell him...I am so miserable that I want to feel better...and he would be very cold and say ..Well feel better...I would ask him what can I do for this...and he would say .. Take a walk...I would look at him in awe and say ...do you know if I take a walk I could pass out..and he would say ...so pass out...then I would say what if I get out and die somewhere..and he would say ...so ...Die...I don't know what happened but something struck me that this was a doctor telling me..so what.. so what if you die..I thought..What does he know that I don't...? Well needless to say .. we had many such talks and he did help me even with his cold nature help me..There were key things that did make everybit of difference..He said you know..no one is guraenteed tomorrow or even the next minute..You have gone and had everything checked and odds are with you that nothing is seriously wrong with you ..So when you get odd feelings just keep telling yourself.. "its just a feeling,it will go away" also know that most of what you are feeling has been felt by so many ..Also my doctor put me on a mild betablocker and very minute amout of an anti anxiety medicine..Somehow..this medicine and the words of that specific doctor helped me through years of weird feelings and tense life decisions..Over the years for the most part I haven't felt anxious...but after my mother's death..I woke one morning and found my life changed for many years..I lost the fear of fear.There wasn't anything on this planet that scared me.. person or situtation ..For about 6 years I did things that I could have never done before...lived life to its fullest and felt more free than I had ever felt and my life..I lived life on the edge and it was awesome..But it took something so e