View Full Version : scared ive got ms !

20-08-12, 13:25
Ok so i keep getting these episodes of wierd head sensations dizzyness back of eye presssure tingling and numbness in face legs arms n feet im also tired all. Im so worried i av ms as my mum has it. i went to the doctors today and got the nurse practitioner and she said she didnt have a clue what is wrong with me and that i might need to see a neurologist...im so scared :-(

20-08-12, 17:55
It sounds like severe anxiety symptoms. I had all of what you describe last year including the light-headedness, pressure behind one or both eyes, tingling around my face, especially eyes and mouth, feet, hands, arms and even back and torso.

I was also petrified that I had MS.

I contacted the surgery and the Practice Nurse asked me about my breathing. It took a few months plus a few sessions of CBT before I finally accepted that the symptoms were caused by anxiety. Once I accepted this the symptoms gradually faded away.

Your symptoms are caused most likely by chronic hyperventilation. If you read some of my other posts I have explained 7/11 breathing to restore the carbon dioxide/oxygen balance in your blood stream. Basically your blood is oxygen-rich and CO2-poor. The lack of CO2 means ironically that not quite enough oxygen is reaching your brain. Whilst this won't cause any brain damage it will make you feel light-headed and suffer tingling sensations around your mouth, face , extremities and pretty much anywhere.

The pressure behind your eyes/headache is caused by tension. The muscles, particularly around the back of your neck, tighten in the face of an impending threat to prepare you to either fight or flee. The neck muscles are particularly stiff because that is where your spine is most vulnerable. Your body is preparing for you to be attacked by a sabre-toothed tiger!

Oh, and anxiety with all that adrenaline sloshing around you makes you pretty tired, especially if your sleep is disturbed too. I felt exhausted most of the time.

I have been fine, more or less for the past twelve months but between March and July last year I went through exactly what you are going through now, both the symptoms and associated fears.

20-08-12, 19:39
Thankyou so much jules that has made me feel alot better its just so scary and with my mum having ms i just feel im at an increased risk of also developing it :-(

20-08-12, 19:50
There maybe a slight increased risk of you developing it but there is a far greater chance that your symptoms are caused by your fears.

20-08-12, 22:01
Hi Dizzydoll, I can understand why you are worried about developing MS. My husband has it, so I worry about my kids. But remember that although, yes, you are at an increased risk, the odds against you getting it are still pretty good - and it isn't directly inherited.

My husband and three of his siblings who have MS between them have 10 children, aged between 16 and early 40s, so mostly in the age group where MS might appear. None of them have shown any signs, touch wood.

Because you mum has it, I think there's a reasonable case for you to get checked out. However, your symptoms sound very much like they could easily be caused by anxiety. Please keep us in touch with how you are getting on and fingers crossed. xx

21-08-12, 08:34
Thanx jane i will do x

21-08-12, 08:51
hey! i think we have all been through an ms scare simply because anxiety symtpoms really do mimic MS ! I dont think you have it and maybe you are not breathing properly without realising xxxxxxx

21-08-12, 09:56
Hyperventilation is misunderstood. It is usually silent meaning that people hyperventilate without anyone realising it. Chronic hyperventilation needs to be un-learned and correct breathing re-learned.

As my therapist told me (Top Bloke), it is like learning to drive and mastering the controls (esp. gears and clutch). After enough practice you cease to be conscious of your efforts and can focus your attention on the road.

If you practise 7/11 breathing it will eventually become a habit. The correct breathing pattern needs to become the habit and the worrying the chore, not the other way round!

21-08-12, 16:04
Thanx for the replies peeps just wish my fear would leave me :-(