View Full Version : found my son watching porn .. PLEASE HELP

20-08-12, 16:16
About 2 days ago i found my son watching porn on the Kindle btw hes only 8 years old :weep::weep::weep: and i was shocked, scared, devastated, mad, angry. i dunno what to do. I talked to him and i told him that he cannot watch stuff like that till hes older and understands it better. I am so hurt that my child's innocence is gone forever. I had no idea that he will look for that stuff!! when i asked him how he found it he told me that he saw it looking through the apps. is this going to destroy my son forever??

I know this is not generally the questions you get on here but i think this forum has great people that do not judge and i really would appreciate some advice

20-08-12, 16:24
I would not think it will destroy your son forever provided you do not make a big deal about it,if you make a lot of fuss he will think he has done something terrible and might get withdrawn,he will soon get over it.

But let that be a lesson parents have to be vigillent not sure about kindle as i do not have one,is it possible to put a password on it or something or get rid of the app he used to view it on.?

Children are very inquisitive but rest assured he will soon forget it and move on.:)


20-08-12, 16:26
its site will help in anyway it can. u have a hard one tho lol. at 8 i dnt think he would no what it is. it will not destroy him.. the net is a bad place i would say keep him off it he's 8 he should be playin outside not on the net. u can allso block sites like that.

20-08-12, 16:29
my computer already has parental controls. My tv has no porn on it what so ever. the kindle is new and i use it to ready but they have a lot of fun apps for kids to play. I had no idea that you can get a porn app :lac: .. these days pornography is everywhere!! even music videos are pornographic!!! I am just very concerned for him because he's still my baby boy and it breaks my heart :weep:

20-08-12, 16:33
Surely it did not come with a porn app loaded on it already.!!!!!!!!!:shrug:

I would delete it and only let him use it under close supervision for a while,you can get anti-porn programmes for computers i do not know about the kindle though.

But as i said the main thing is not too make too much fuss and he will forget about it and move on at that age.:)


20-08-12, 16:47
i didnt i just explained that hes way to young. The app did not come installed. You can search for apps under categories etc.. he saw a girl and d/l it. I already set the parental controls. He cant access the web or any apps without a password.

20-08-12, 17:10
i didnt i just explained that hes way to young. The app did not come installed. You can search for apps under categories etc.. he saw a girl and d/l it. I already set the parental controls. He cant access the web or any apps without a password.

Great stuff you handled it well yes as you said earlier porn is everywhere its so hard to protect the youngsters in everyday life from bill board posters to the internet.

Hopefully now there is a password on the Kindle problem solved.

All the best .


22-08-12, 01:30
I'm 30 and my girl friend still doesnt let me watch porn!

Just kidding, tell your son off he will be fine. Boys will be boys just like a fly going to fire

22-08-12, 04:31
Don't shame him, explain that porn is not what happens in real life.
He's 8, he's going to be curious! If he's old enough to ask questions he's old enough to get an answere.
Try and make sure he's comfortable talking to you about sex related stuff.
A lot of us grow up almost ashamed about sex stuff, which isn't good :(

Yes porn is everywhere, young boys will talk about this stuff, they'll share links ands pics via phones and laptops. A lot of patents seem to be totally unaware of this.

I don't know if you can avoid porn on the kindle or mobiles, but you can get program's on the computer.

8 is far too young to be watching porn, but it's good you talked with him and I guess now you know it's time to monitor his Internet access a bit more!

He's a boy and it's to be expected he's going to be curious. Kids hormones often kick in a year or two before they physically start changing due to puberty.

22-08-12, 04:40
When I was eight I was curious about that stuff, obviously the internet was not freely available then but it didn't stop me. A good telling off and maybe a weeks grounding/no internet might help but in all honesty boys do and will watch porn. Eight might sound like a young age and I agree that it is too young but if he wants to, he will find a way.

I don't see it as something that will destroy his innocence at all.