View Full Version : HELP.....support needed!!!!

20-08-12, 16:50
Hi, can anyone please help me. I started escitalopram (lexapro) 5 nights ago at 5mg and i'm feeling hellish. I must be so sensitive to meds. I've been down in the valley for over a year now, not able to work, having to live apart from my partner and stay with my parents. I've been on citalopram, mirtazapine, cymbalta, citalopram again, lyrica and now I'm on zyprexa 5mg for the last 6 weeks but I needed an anti depressant so hence the start on escitalopram as well.

However, I feel like shit. I'm anxious, shaky, having panic attacks and just can't concentrate on ANYTHING. I feel like I'm going backwards. Even emptying the dishwasher is a major challenge. The zyprexa was really helping my anxiety but I felt really low still but now my anxiety is back full force on this start up of escitalopram. Please tell me it gets better, I'm dying here. My parents are at their wits end as nothing seems to flippin work!!!!

Also, do you think 5mg will be enough or will I have to increase it at some point? I will not be looking forward to that :-(

21-08-12, 18:20
So sorry to hear you feel so awful, big hugs.
I have been on 5mg for 13 days now and I can assure you it does get better. I would say I had 3 days of the anxiety that the meds caused it definately got better after day 9 for me. The doctor has told me I need to get up to 10mg but I only ever increase by a quarter a week. Im going to speak to him tomorrow and ask for the liquid so I can increase by 1mg a week as I am soooo sensitive to meds also. However 5mg has definately made me feel beter already, you are nearly there please stick with it youre only a few days away from feeling a little better xxx

25-08-12, 09:20
Laura hey when did you change? And what were you on again... 5 months for me now on 20mg... This has been a good drug for me... Since I've been on it I havnt had any Valium at all....

25-08-12, 10:02
I'm on day 12 and really trembling. I'm finding it hard to stand still and walking is difficuly. I was able to JUST maintain life before I started this, but now I'm scared to do anything. I'm also on diazapam to try and help with the side effects, but that doesn't seem to work that well anymore.

25-08-12, 15:00
Just been to Curry's with my wife and I felt absolutely normal. It's funny how 1 sane experience can totally change your day (first one I've had for a while, so hopefully things are improving).

25-08-12, 19:27
Hi ewood,
I was on cit for 2 weeks and for me personally it was the worst experience of my life !!! I have been on 5mg of esc for nearly 3 weeks now, doc wants me to go up to 10mg but I am scared.

So glad you had a good trip to currys I really hope you are turning a corner now xxx

23-11-12, 10:09
Laura did you ever get up to 10mg? I am doing what you did, going up in quaters and am now up to 5mg's after 14 days. I'm sleeping rubbish and feel very aggitated during the night so take lorazepam which just helps calm me downa little, it doesn't make me sleep but my days are already so much better. I'm dreading going up to 10mg's too though as I took old style Cit before a.nd always remember every time I upped from 10mg to 20 I had panic attacks but I must say Cipralex seems alot more tolerable.
How are you now kenny? Much better I hope (:

silent bob
23-11-12, 22:29
kennylis, the first 2 weeks or so suck coz escitalopram is a slow acting drug but after your body acclimatises to it it gets so much better just hang in there!! my first 14 days blew but once they were over its been breezy since then :) BIG HUGS hang in there luv

24-11-12, 08:37
I'm finding early mornings and through the nights are worst for me and then I go ok once I am up and about and distracted. Gonna miss my walk to school this morning and back as that also helps but we're out later at the Christms lights switch on in town. I'm seriously thinking of asking my doctor if I can take Zopiclone again for a couple of weeks as I was on it 5 months whilst taking other ad's that caused me terrible insomnia and just came off it with no prob at all. One again hope thing shave improved for you kenny xxx