View Full Version : day 4 of citalopram

20-08-12, 19:19
Day 4 of citalopram (20mg), the past few days I've felt horrific, dizziness, nauseous, loss of appetite, no sleep, headaches and horrible jaw clenching!

However, today the effects have definitely lessened, and although it took me a while to get to sleep, I slept really well, and had the motivation to go out and ended going for a walk for an hour :) it really cleared my head and I was able to talk to my mum with snapping her head off (my mum is one of the many reasons I'm depressed)

Hoping this carries on, although I am expecting set backs! Got a father/daughter weekend to look forward to this weekend, and would like to be in a half decent mood so I can enjoy it!

What are peoples views on a glass of wine one evening whilst on these tablets? Would like to share a glass with my dad, but unsure on effects on the medication!

20-08-12, 21:13
It sounds like you are doing well and the side effects are starting to lessen. That's what happened to me around the 4th day.

People say that a little alcohol won't do any harm, but I've not tried it since I've been on these tablets so I wouldn't like to advise you about the glass of wine!

23-08-12, 19:23
Feeling a lot better after a week on these tablets now, the side effects have pretty much gone (must be a lucky one!), the only thing that's still bothering me is mild headaches, yawning and teeth clenching, and the odd feeling of nausea. All stuff I can deal with :)

My mood isn't really any better, although a friend took me out to the cinema last night, and I was able to enjoy being out, chatting and even laughed at the film (haven't done that for a while!) so yesterday was a good day :)

23-08-12, 22:55
been taking these for four days now 20mg also, just make me feel tired which was great at first but became annoying fast, that seems to have subsided now. not sure if I can blame this on side effects but I ended up sticking a coat with my mobile in the pocket in the washing machine.

23-08-12, 23:33
yea the constant tired thing is annoying...i spend all day yawning, but after every yawn i clench my teeth, which i cant help but do in most cases. then it comes to bedtime and it takes me a while to get to sleep

sorry about your mobile! :-/

23-08-12, 23:34
Hi there I too have been on citalopram for four days my days now feel
Ok however I am very panicy at night finding it hard to sleep it feels
Like the panic attacks
Have gone from the day and switched to the night deos anyone know is this normal ?? X

24-08-12, 08:14
I know nothing about this drug but why not try taking it at a different time of day if it is causing problems??? Just an idea...... Xx

27-08-12, 11:17
thanks scooby i will consult with my doctor before switching the time of day :hugs: